oh ok I skimmed the second page an didn't see that someone did post a part of it. Yeah they might as well as the prayer too.
JoinedPosts by Oceanblue
Has anyone here been a 'chairman' for an assembly? Question with regard to the script for introductions
by ThomasCovenant indoes anyone know if the chairman's introductions and announcements are completely scripted?
particularly with the use of adjectives and adverbs when introducing talks and speakers.. 'as we listen intentedly....'.
'we eagerly look forward to bro so and so's talk'.
Has anyone here been a 'chairman' for an assembly? Question with regard to the script for introductions
by ThomasCovenant indoes anyone know if the chairman's introductions and announcements are completely scripted?
particularly with the use of adjectives and adverbs when introducing talks and speakers.. 'as we listen intentedly....'.
'we eagerly look forward to bro so and so's talk'.
I missed the link but I'm sure it looked ridiculous. I had a feeling they had to be because by the time the chairman gets to the part where they "Please be seated." or something like that, everybody IS already sitting. It happens every time and I always wonder why they even bother to say it.
Remain Close to the Governing Body DC
by gutted ini just finished all 3 days of the dc and, for what it's worth, wanted to get down some of the highlights i enjoyed.
i went with family and i only did it for them, and hope to never attend another assembly ever again.. .
the whole thing was pretty boring and uncomfortable due to the stadium style seating which doesn't favour my long legs and ac being blasted too high.. .
I attended all three days to please my family too. I also felt depressed afterwards. And your right about people not taking notes when the generation change was explained. Everybody had this blank stare on their faces.
Granted I do know the WTS is full of BS and is grabbing at straws right now, but I did not realize until Saturday how the WHOLE entire program this year was created to "butter" people up for the last talk and their attempt to explain the new "Generation". Every single talk, the drama, the experiences, all made sure to mention in some way that there is not a reason to ever live the organization. They know people will have a hard time leaving since they have invested so much time and most often then not, their families are invovled too. So they made sure to focuss on independent thinking which leads to "apostates". Focussing so much on "apostates" lets me know that the GB know that our message is gettting to people, even if they don't do anything right away.
Another thing I noticed too, which I guess I knew all along, but I just realized how a lot of scriptures are ignored all together. I felt like I kept turning to the same scriptures and the ones that were used, only one or two verses were read. Whole passages were never read or even discussed, you now, like a true bible discussion. Way too much jumping around while only reading one or two verses. No wonder everybody has to rely on "Jehovah" to help them understand.
2010 District Convention - Some Thoughts on the Sunday Afternoon Session
by Olin Moyles Ghost inout of a sense of morbid curiosity, i recently attended the sunday afternoon session of the district convention.
the session consisted of a drama and the infamous "remain in the secret place of the most high" talk.
overall, i got a sense that the wts is in damage control mode because the end hasn't come yet.
What made me sick about the whole thing is that in the morning session on Sunday, a woman in her late 40s, early 50's was interviewed at the district convention I attended. She talked about how her parents had divorced when she was young, but both ended up in the "truth". When she was a teenager, her mother left and later became an "apostate". She decided to live with her dad because she said her mother's life had become "very turbulent". While giving this experience, the woman was chocking back tears. Later in the last talk, which was given by a man from Bethel, he mentioned this woman when he related the experiences of Russell, Rutherford, etc. to show how important it is to "remain in the high place". I knew the GB was that dirty, but to see how they would manipulate people's emotions just to make them stay after explaining some bs reason for why the end hasn't come yet is a new low for them.
The whole thing is just ridiculous. The only ones I truly feel sorry for are all the older ones who really can't leave because this organisation is their whole social network, espcially if their families aren't Jehovah's Witnesses and they don't have children. Everybody else just needs to actually read and do some research.
July 15th WT Study Article - Generation PR Fallout to Keep JW's Alert !
by flipper inafter perusing through this article sent to us by our lurking jw friend- that's what i took away from this study article entitled " what jehovah's day will reveal " .
this article was printed to keep jw's alert to the alleged urgency of the times - just in case some get puzzled by the new extended overlapping generation theory and lose their sense of urgency.
i think the wt society is covering their backside here , doing possible damage control , and are very nervous about negative fallout in regards to how some jw's may respond to this extended " overlapping generation " theory being pushed.
You know, I wonder how much sleep the GB is getting these days? They sure have been pretty busy with all the articles and talks lately about "the generation" and the desperate measures they are taking to cover their tracks by telling people not to record or put anything online. The GB and us apostates are the only ones obsessing over this BS. The rank&file JWs could care less. All they know is that the GB is providing them food and they must eat it without questioning what it is.
Take my dad for example. Just yesterday, I was talking to my dad about a non religious topic and I said that even if a source is credible, you still need to do research. (This was my personal dig at the WTS, though he didn't know it). My dad disagreed with me but he couldn't prove to me why I was wrong. I blame this organizaton for making him like that. All they do is read what the WTS says, but since they aren't allowed to read non-WTS info, they don't truly understand why research is very important.
I do think that the more they try to convince everyone that this change is good, the more people are going to start questioning whats going on. They may not leave right away, but it'll eventually happe
"You Would Make a Good Pioneer!" - May 2010 Our Kingdom Ministry
by pirata in"you would make a good pioneer!".
1. how did one sister feel about her pioneer ministry?.
1 "i could not have found any other work that could have brought me as much contentment or could have been so spiritually rewarding.
I love how they say that if someone says that you would make a good pioneer, your supposed to take it as a compliment.
JW membership turnover - a real-life study
by besty inmuch has been commented here on how jw's rely on an ever-changing membership for keeping their 'the sky is falling, the world is ending' doctrine fresh.. recently it was posted that fully 2/3 of born-in jw's leave at some point, and i thought you might like to see how this works in practice.. so lets take sam and i and our extended families - we were both born and brought up jw's.
start with me.
mum and dad were converted in the 1950's.
Well, let me take a stab at this...
On My mother's side:
My Maternal Great Grandmother was the first to come into the Troof. She had 10 children. Of her 10 children, 6 are active, 1 due to mental illness is inactive. 3 (women) are not married and are childless.
Great Aunt#1 married and had 6 children. Her husband died and the family went downhill. 3 are active while the other 3 are inactive. The three that are left are probably on their way out.
Great Aunt #2 and her husband had one child who is married and he is active with his wife.
Great Aunt #3 is divorced and had two daughters. One daughter is married and has 3 children. She was never baptized. The other daughter and her husband are baptized and they have four children. Right now, they allare active.
Great Uncle had 5 children. Only 2 are active with their wives. One has 2 children and the other has 3. All 5 are under the age of 6
My Granmother had two children. One died when he was a preteen. My mother married my dad. It's only me and my sister. Neither one of us will continue to be JW's.
I don't know all of my cousins because of them not being JWs so I don't have the numbers to compare.
On My dad's side
My Aunt introduced the Troof to the fam. My grandparents didn't join. They had 8 children and only 5 joined. One does not have any children due to severe depression and other health problems.
The Intro Aunt had two children. One is active and the other just attends meetings. The active one is married with 3 children under the age of 13 The other child is married with a 2 year old.
One Uncle is baptized. His wife and children are not
Aunt #2 had one child who is married and he and his wife are active.
And then I already mentioned my dad.
So yeah there are def. some deadends in my family tree.
Were you told by JC that God will no longer listen to your prayers?
by Hortenzie ini was df-ed 3 years ago.
during the process nothing extraordinary happened.
everything proceeded as if according to a script.
I was told that prayers were the only thing that nobody could take away from me. The elder who told me that at the JC meeting stressed that fact too. He also repeated it when I tried to get reinstated I have no idea why that elder told you that because he def. was out of line for saying that.
As for elders having a procedural script, I do know that in their handy dandy elder's book, they have a list of certain things they have to ask and look for during the JC meeting. Based on the info they get out of you and your reaction, that is how they decide to disfellowship you or not.
Priceless gems from JW Match
by highdose inhighdose is still putting in the preaching hours so to speak;) and had come accross these little beauties on the above website, read em and weep.... .
baboushka: i need help with learning the new songs, please help me please help me please help me... i was considering that the best person looks wise could be a soloman lookalike but with the nature of peter.. chogg84:heys jehovahs!
want some chogg in your life?.
Didn't Solomon have 700 wives and 300 concubines? And as for Peter, um, he didn't always think before he spoke.
Elders who step down for little or no reason?
by Truthexplorer inwithin the past decade, two elders stepped down in my old congregation.
actually one was taken off for commiting adultery and therefore reproved, but the other one simply stepped down for no apparent reason.
also, in another congregation i used to attend for a short time, i was shocked to hear of another elder stepping down, again for no apparent reason.. i am wondering if there has been an increase in the number of elders stepping down for no obvious reason and to see if this is a worrying trend causing alarm for the society.. i am thinking the past 10 years, particularly with the internet being available to so many people around the world today; but have you experienced many elders stepping down in your congregation or past congregation?
The only ones I knew that stepped down HAD a reason to do so because everybody knew their family's business. I've known some "brothers" who moved into the area and kept themselves busy enough to keep them from being asked to be and elder.