Hi Belogical!
Mike Krammer and I were best-friends shortly after he came
into the Watchtower Organization, to the time I left (which was May 1984). I actually met Mike’s Dad in the
door-to-door work and placed a couple of magazines with him. When I made a return visit, his Dad suggested
I talk to Mike, which I did and that led immediately into a study. While we were studying we both realized that
there was a deep-friendship growing. I even shared in baptizing him.
Mike moved to where the need was greater and that’s where he
met Alice. They got engaged and Mike
asked me to be his best-man. I still
have pictures of his and Alice’s wedding… so long ago.
I had been having a struggle with things I learned about the
Watchtower Organization’s history (even before Mike moved away). Mike knew something was bothering me and I
shared with him all my research. We
immediately went to talk to an elder, who said that he’d find out some answers
for me. Sadly, that never happened. Instead, I was told that what I wrote
bordered on apostasy I decided to, once again, focus on the
Organization and having Mike in my life certainly encouraged that.
After Mike moved away, I found that the questions I had had
still loomed and eventually talked to a couple of elders and told them that this
time, I WANTED ANSWERS. Of course, they
had no substantial answers and I decided to leave the organization. (I heard
that one of these elders also eventually left the Organization. Mike and I talked for the last time not long
before my disassociation and he was always trying to encourage me… right down
to the end. I heard through the grapevine that he and Alice had been in New Zealand. I've also, more recently, heard that they are now back in the States.
I still love and miss him and Alice so very much. And I so hope that, with all the information
he has likely seen in his time with the Witnesses that, just maybe, their eyes
will be opened up. None of us are
getting any younger and it would be incredible to see them again.
Not to be gossipy, but what kind of burnout did Mike have in Japan? Do you know? I hope he is fully recovered.