JoinedTopics Started by hoggieman
Heard from the grapevine I am DFd. Here is my letter that did not work!
by hoggieman init is ok though...my life had nothing to do with them.
here is my letter: .
xxxx xxxxxx.
Got a letter inviting me to my Judicial hearing- should I go?
by hoggieman inhey everyone, my family and i have not gone to meeting in over a year.
rumors have swirled about us, but i have always dodged the elders calls and never said anything about my feelings.
so after a while the calls/visits dwindled, but in october they came by again and saw our halloween decorations.
What is the point of praying?
by hoggieman inhi, i dont post here too often, but i was reading the other post about why bad things happen, and i am curious for everyones thoughts on this: i have recently left about 9 months ago.
at first i thought i was closer to god and was reading the bible more than ever.... praying asking for help, clarity, etc.....but after a while i started to ask myself why would god answer my messily little prayers when hundreds of thousands were dieing in haiti?
the witness mindset that i remember was not to pray for things to happen, but for strength for yourself to do something.
A Thought on DFing: Shafting the Hounders
by Farkel inthe wts has repeatedly stated that one of the main reasons for disfellowshiping is to "keep the congregation clean.
" another reason is to shame the offender into toeing the wt party line, although they don't quite put it that way.. on the other hand, there are numerous examples of elder hounders hunting down and dfing people who have totally and voluntarily extricated themselves from the "congregation" and its members for years.
obviously, they aren't bothering the congregation(s) or active dubs at all, and obviously they aren't interested into being "shamed" in order to get back in.. one can only conclude that the motives of the elder hounders are vindictive.
The Man of Lawlessness 2 Thessalonians 2 1-4
by hoggieman ini am curious on your thoughts on this idea that jesuss presence would not come until the man of lawlessness was revealed.
according to jw doctrine wouldnt this have needed to happen prior to 1914?
i know the publications say this is christendoms clergy (even though this sounds a lot like fds), but how is it resolved that jws are the only ones who think this one has been revealed.
1975 For Deniers
by Farkel in1975 for deniers.
most of today's jws were not members in 1975 or in the 9 years prior to 1975, so they were not eyewitnesses to what really went on during that period.
i was a pioneer in that period, and i was an eyewitness to what went on.. those jws who are still active today and who were around in that period will typically say it was the "brothers" who "ran ahead of jehovah" and "read more into" the 1975 prediction than what was actually stated.
New here-question about calls from the elders
by hoggieman ini have been looking around here for a while but this is my first post.
my wife and i have been fading not so smoothly.
i pretty much know this is not the truth but am still undecided how i feel on various issues and i am still sorting them out.