Topics Started by In
on the fence
by In inboy i gotta say, i just can't make up my damned mind.
everytime i'm starting to feel better about the jw's, a brother or sister or the watchtower will say something just totally wacky.
did anyone get that bit in the watchtower last week about no questions allowed what so ever!!
Holy Spirit gets fooled?
by In inwell, i honestly don't think holy spirit would be fooled, but man certainly can be.
and it looks mighty bad for holy spirit when a man claiming to have it makes a crappy decision.. just for the record, i am still in, thus the name.
i have noticed questions really upset the "friends".
Why Do JWs Say Jehovah Protects His People & Then Claim "Time & Unforseen Occurences"?
by minimus inyou'll hear experiences of how jehovah god protected his people in modern times, how only jehovah's witnesses didn't die in a calamity, how an angel evidently protected a person, etc.
they'll show how jehovah takes care of his people by all sorts of almost "miraculous" events----but if a witness did die or something deadly happened to a carload of jws, well, then, it's just "time and unforseen occurence" and we can't expect jehovah to perform miracles in our day, anyway!.
what gives?
My daughter has a JW friend at our home for a sleep-over tonight !! Help!
by moshe inman is this strange.
this is the family who told me to leave the two sisters alone who were doing our neighborhood a few months back..
the husband and wife always looked the other whenever they drive by my house.
Does the WTS smell the blood in the water?
by djmac1031 inim sure im not the only former jw here who is noticing the subtle, and not so subtle changes in wts policy, and their attempts to make life easier for their rank n file.. .
combining the book study meeting with the service meeting / ministry school meeting and giving their members a "night off" so to speak (although they are of course encouraged to use this night as an evening of "family & personal bible study") is surely a sign that they understand their current r&f members can only take so much more of the wts complete control over every waking hour of their lives.. .
they have also shortened the public talks, cut down on the length of assembly days...i remember the 8 or 9 day assemblies as a kid myself, and over the years they have gotten shorter...a week...4 generally no longer than 3 days.. .
JW's a RELIGION based on PERFORMANCE! How dangerous is that???
by freewilly01 ini have come to realize that this religion is based almost solely on performance and that is the most dangerous.. i always felt that as a person or jw (while an active witness)that i was always just as good as my last assignment, comment at the watchtower meeting, feild service report.. this left me with a huge identity crisis in the borgorg......... i really didn't know who the hell i was?.
did any of you feel similair?
local needs part on facebook
by isaacaustin inmy parents are having a local needs part on facebook.
anyone else know of this and what is being said on it?.
number of anointed
by ssn587 indont know if i or anyone else has asked this before, but does anyone know how many annointed were supposedly at the last memorial, it seems to be the hidden #.
does that mean they are now the hidden society (said tongue in cheek).
Satan Takes a Trip
by Farkel injehovah ushers satan into his presence.. jehovah: "listen satan, the thousand year reign is just about up, and according to the bible, i've gotta let you go back to earth and tempt the people, so you'd better go down and see what's happening before you get to work.
i wished i had picked another book to endorse besides that bible.
I feel really angry
by Quester55 ini feel angry, bitter, resentful and stupid.
when i was in my 30's and young and strong, and had a long stretch of life ahead of me, i went along with the jw's and didn't get my education.
now that i am 50, divorced and barely making a living as a teacher aide, i am scrounging around trying to get the loans and grants to enable me to go to school to earn a b.a.