By the way, what's your religious background Paulino Ramones?
Posts by pirata
In the bible, who is who?....... no, really tell me in confused!
by PaulinoRamones ini need some clearing up, who is the angel gabriel?
and who is michael?
and witch one is the one used to represent crist?.
In the bible, who is who?....... no, really tell me in confused!
by PaulinoRamones ini need some clearing up, who is the angel gabriel?
and who is michael?
and witch one is the one used to represent crist?.
By the way, welcome to the forum!
Just a disclaimer, that's my personal belief. The official Jehovah's Witness belief is different.
In the bible, who is who?....... no, really tell me in confused!
by PaulinoRamones ini need some clearing up, who is the angel gabriel?
and who is michael?
and witch one is the one used to represent crist?.
There are different beliefs on this. And that's all they are, beliefs.
I tend to go with the simplest explanation:
- Michael the archangel is Michael the archangel. Michael is ONE of the archangels (showing that there is more than one archangel) [Daniel 10:13]. The book of Enoch (which is not official canon) is quoted by, or at the very least is based on the same source, as the book of Jude. The book of Enoch lists different archangels, one of them who is Michael.
- Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ. He's God's son, not an angel (Hebrews Chapter 1).
- Gabriel is an angel named Gabriel.
Microevolution vs Macroevolution (NOT an evolution vs creation debate)
by pirata ini've heard the distinction between microevolution and macroevolution a lot, especially from intelligent design arguments.
microevolution being defined as changes or adaption within a species, and macroevolution being changes from one species to another.
my impression is that there really is no such meaningfule distinction between macro and micro in the modern scientific sense of evolutionary theory.
I'm noticing more and more witnesses willing to accept "micro" but not "macro." Granted, many of these are ill-informed as to what the implications of either really are. These are also the same ones who will use the word "adaptation" but not the word "evolution."
There was the special issue of the Awake! a few years ago that discussed the finches demonstrated, "at best" the ability to adapt to the environment. When I read that, I realized that they were admitting that the basic evolutionary processes do indeed happen. I also remember reading about the different "kinds" of dogs that came from one dog pair in the "You can Live Forever" book. Same thing.
Should Christians Own Dogs as Pets?
by undercover inusing the wt's "birthday logic" (only two mentions of b-days in the bible, both negative, which means "true christians" do not celebrate them) i wrote this faux wt article about whether true servants of the wt god should really own dogs... i'm no sd-7, but i tried..... .
animals are truly a gift from jehovah as the creator of all things.
animals have, since the creation, served as workers and companions for man.
Dear undercover,
Would eating a dog be a conscience matter?
Your brother serving shoulder to shoulder,
Microevolution vs Macroevolution (NOT an evolution vs creation debate)
by pirata ini've heard the distinction between microevolution and macroevolution a lot, especially from intelligent design arguments.
microevolution being defined as changes or adaption within a species, and macroevolution being changes from one species to another.
my impression is that there really is no such meaningfule distinction between macro and micro in the modern scientific sense of evolutionary theory.
I've heard the distinction between microevolution and macroevolution a lot, especially from Intelligent Design arguments. Microevolution being defined as changes or adaption within a species, and macroevolution being changes from one species to another
My impression is that there really is no such meaningfule distinction between macro and micro in the modern scientific sense of evolutionary theory. "macro" evolution is the result of small changes over time.
The Israelis
by Honesty indo you believe that god cast them off and totally rejected them?.
after reading romans chapter 11 and examining the history of the jews since 1917 i think the wtbts has distorted doctrines regarding israel..
I have been reading Eusebius: History of the Church, and a reoccuring theme is how the atrocities committed against the Jews by the Romans and others, or within the Jewish community, was punishment (community responsibility) for how they treated the Christ. It seems to be that this was a very common attitude among Christianity, at least until the persecution of Jews in WWII brought a new perspective on things.
Anyone more familiar with such things, I'd be interested in hearing how accurate this impression is.
Just to emphasize the point:
I didn't start this thread because I was annoyed at anyone in particular. It was not meant as a whine thread (though I can see how it can certainly give that impression). It was a lame attempt at humor (the first post was blank because I had nothing nice to say. That's the joke. Not funny, I realize that).
Sorry guys, there was really no deep meaning intended here. I was feeling jovial (or moronic, even), so decided to have some fun, but I'm not sure everyone realized that (or they realized that all too well and are pulling my leg). It is filed under Jokes and Humor...
@OUTLAW, Once while giving a talk, I held up my finger to indicate it was point #1, but accidentally held up my middle finger instead of my index finger. Suffice to say, no one remembered my point, but they did remember my gesture!
@ziddina, cool trick!
@moshe, great story. Being too "nice" is sometimes worse than not saying what needs to be said.
@Judge Dredd, If I move my chair closer, what do you plan on doing?
@Farkel, Your brutal honesty stings a little, but point well taken.
@White Dove. Indeed. The delivery, more so than the message, is often the deciding factor as to how the message is received.
@talesin, You're looking a bit blue in your picture... I was asking for it wasn't I? :) Being on this forum has helped me a lot to learn to deal with conflict and differences of opinion, but I still have a long way to go.
PS. When do we get part 2 of your story?