Good job Highdose, it`s amazing just how deluded and thick-skinned these people can be.
They just cannot accept any view, (or even no view) is a valid and reasoned alternative to their warped cult.
Paul UK
some of you may remember me posting a few days ago that my shop had become some jw's magazine route.
well today the staff who was supposed to man the shop has called in sick, which meant that i had to go in and open up.
who should i find waiting for me on the door step with a big beaming self righteous grin on his face but a jw!
some 10 or so years ago i met a blind fellow in a san diego beach tavern.
he was a pleasant chap and we hit it off right away.
i was surprised at how knowledgeable he was on many topics.. he told me that he liked to "read" a lot.
I used to find the graphics used in the Watchtower and Awake embarrasing whilst on the FS in the `80s, I`m not sure that the photos used today are much of an improvement. In the end they got "free sample" written on them and shoved through the letter box of a not at home, still all totted up at the end of the month.
Paul UK
-terrorists are prepared to die for their course,.
-jws are prepared to die for jehovah.. 2 terrorists treat those with different views as enemies,.
2 jws treat 'worldly people' as enemies.. 3 terrorists are brainwashed from a young age,.
hi all, i left the wts in the late `80s, i`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently i was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on youtube.
anyway`s, the reasons i left were many and varied, and one day i`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once i was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?
", to which i answered "of course i would", - that was me marked.
"So, it's not fair at all to generalize"- DY
Of course I do not know the personal finances of every Jehovah`s Witness, heck they haven`t talked to me for over 20yrs, my comment was on the practice as I saw it in the 70`s and the `80s and in the congregation I was in and those I visited. I myself always donated to the RNLI even though I couldn`t be further from the sea, but I know it was frowned upon. I think the term "supporting a wordly organisation" was thrown at me often, and whenever any irregularities in a charity was in the news, you can bet your bottom dollar it would be the subject of a talk/study item sooner rather than later.
But you are right, unfortunatly I don`t think I can alter the thead to The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and it`s attitude towards charities, which would probably be a more accurate description of the point I was trying to make. Apologies for generalising.
Paul UK
hi all, i left the wts in the late `80s, i`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently i was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on youtube.
anyway`s, the reasons i left were many and varied, and one day i`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once i was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?
", to which i answered "of course i would", - that was me marked.
It always amazed me that the JW`s would always put down any and all charities, even the ones like Babygirl30 discribe above. They never believe that people do that sort of thing for the right reason, ie. love of their fellow man/woman, and a genuine desire to help.
I think the situation you found yourself in is more common in the witnesses than they like to admit.
just wondering if anyone here left the org without ever looking at anything on the net and if so how did it happen for you?.
miss c.
hi all, i left the wts in the late `80s, i`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently i was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on youtube.
anyway`s, the reasons i left were many and varied, and one day i`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once i was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?
", to which i answered "of course i would", - that was me marked.
hi all, i left the wts in the late `80s, i`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently i was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on youtube.
anyway`s, the reasons i left were many and varied, and one day i`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once i was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?
", to which i answered "of course i would", - that was me marked.
Yes, the Salvation Army is one of my facourite charities, and one that the Witnesses view as being totally beyond the par, what with the Blood and fire motto. Yet to me they are the one who at least get off their backsides and help the homeless. Th JW`s would never accept that it was by their works that the Sally Bash earned my respect, not their uniforms or tamberines.
hi all, i left the wts in the late `80s, i`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently i was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on youtube.
anyway`s, the reasons i left were many and varied, and one day i`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once i was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?
", to which i answered "of course i would", - that was me marked.
To clarify the R.L.N.I. see here
They are volunteers, and do a job similar to the coastguard and lifeguards do in other countries.
Paul UK
hi all, i left the wts in the late `80s, i`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently i was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on youtube.
anyway`s, the reasons i left were many and varied, and one day i`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once i was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?
", to which i answered "of course i would", - that was me marked.
Hi all, I left the WTS in the late `80s, I`ve not really given them a thought, until one sleepless night recently I was trawling the `tinterweb, and came across various videos on Youtube. Anyway`s, the reasons I left were many and varied, and one day I`ll sit down and relate them, but two things have always stuck in my mind, once I was asked "if someone could convince you that without a doubt "the truth" was wrong, would you believe them?", to which I answered "of course I would", - that was me marked. Another thing that was my personal gripe, and I argued about this many times, was the Witnesses not giving to charity. I know that many charities are money raising companies, but I always brought up the R.N.L.I., for those in the US the R.N.L.I. man the lifeboats around the UK, they are staffed by volunteers and take no money from the Government. I would say, "if you were at sea, would you accept their help?", they would answer that they would, but still refused to donate to them, even the odd Pound when on a day at the coast. Always (to me) a small but important sign of the hypocrisy of this sect. Anyway, it`s very interesting to read other peoples experiences with the witnesses, something I never knew about during my time with them. Paul UK