Apply for DLA, you will need a diagnosis from a Psychiatrist, but you will have enough to live on (just). If you explain your behaviour re: being a JW, most Psychiatrists will give you a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, if you can live with that, then you should have no problems. Otherwise, I would not mention being a JW at all, say you have spent the last ten years studying the scriptures, which is true to some extent!
JoinedPosts by zzaphod
Can't get work after pioneering
by ekruks ini was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and can advise me?.
like many here, i was bought up as a jw, with full-time service (bethel, pioneer) the only career option held out in front of me.
i wanted to take a government loan and go to university, but was forced not to, labelled 'materialistic'.. i became a pioneer / window cleaner - round here, almost all pioneer brothers window clean, unless they are retired or have a rich daddy.
I can't take it anymore!
by OneDayillBeFree inthe lying, the faking and pretending, the hiding, the endless mind-numbing meetings, service, preaching, assemblies, everything!.
most of the time i can handle it quite well.
but not today.
If you find it within yourself to leave this cult, I can personally promise you one thing. Sooner or later you will look back and wonder "what on Earth was I thinking?".
Most of all you will be able to do so with a sense of pride in yourself.
There will be difficult times ahead, but (although this does sound terribly trite), it does get better.
Best wishes for the future.
All the best
Paul UK
Did you experience classdivision while being JW?
by Cirkeline inwe all know how jw brag about their strong internal love.
all are treated equal no matter rank, color, money, status etc.
is this really true?
Yes there was definately class divisions when I was in (left in 1988), there wasn`t much race problems as there were only a couple of non whites in the congregation, and they seemed to be accepted by everyone (as far as I knew). Fortunately for me I was in a well paid job, and was dating a pioneer who was also an elders daughter.
This is how I became aware of the nastiness and back biting that was rife in the congregation, I was told alot of what went on via my girlfriend and her mother, and to be quite honest I found it difficult to ignore, infact it was one of the reasons I ended up DAing myself.
Although I made an effort to visit those I felt were being ignored, most in the "upper echelons" of the congregation didn`t seem to bother with those who were lonely or struggling.
To be honest I found that any "Christian Love" was very conditional, and basically if your face didn`t fit you were in for a very lonely existence.
I find the best way to descibe certain sections as "Snooty"
All the best
Paul UK
Tomorrow is a big day for me
by coffee_black ini will be 60 tomorrow.
on the one hand, it's just a number.
on the other hand, it's a big number.... .
Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
I regret the years (from age 13 - 25) I wasted in the Borg, and the next 10 years I just spent wasted!
But when I reach 50, next year all being well, I will be 25 years out of the JWs, 1 marriage, 1 daughter, and 1 divorce later, I am at last enjoying life on my own terms without some massive guilt trip every waking moment.
Have a great day.
All the best
Paul UK
Iran vs Israel and the USA = WW III (Should we be worried?)
by Me Myself and I inthis particular bowl of soup has been bubbling for some time now, with various posturing and toing and froing.
looking at the media and the subsequent comments from israel regarding iran, it looks clear that something is going to happen soon, very soon..... with iran having the ears of both china and russia, israel having the us and of course we (uk) as the states poodle on the other side.
i wonder if this could be the beginning of the end?.
What support from the EU can Israel expect? Well the UK usually does what America says, as do the Germans to a lesser extent, France?, depends what day it is, all the others would probably send a boat or a couple of fighters, some of the ex Communist states seeem to be pretty much behind Israel and may throw their weight about. Greece will ask Iran for a loan.
All the best
Paul UK
Iran vs Israel and the USA = WW III (Should we be worried?)
by Me Myself and I inthis particular bowl of soup has been bubbling for some time now, with various posturing and toing and froing.
looking at the media and the subsequent comments from israel regarding iran, it looks clear that something is going to happen soon, very soon..... with iran having the ears of both china and russia, israel having the us and of course we (uk) as the states poodle on the other side.
i wonder if this could be the beginning of the end?.
From a UK prospective, I think Israel will probably strike first and massively, whether they will use nukes I don`t know.
Israel is surronded by countries that don`t want them to exist, so I don`t think they have much choice. The nut jobs in Iran would probably nuke Israel if they had the capability.
As for Obama supporting Israel, well it`s like the UK relying on France to protect us, which since we scapped our aircraft carriers before the replacements were built, is partly the situation we are in! Not an ideal situation.
As Israel is the only democracy in the area, both the US & UK/EU have to support Israel.
Israel doesn`t want Iran to have a bomb, Iran doesn`t want Israel to exist period!
Oh and by the way, the Mainstream media in the UK (especially the BBC) stay just on the right side of anti-semitism, that is to say, they don`t like Israel at all, and tend to pander to the more audiable of our ethnic minorities, but Joe Bloggs in the street is usually supportive of Israel, or at the worst indifferent.
Just my opinion.
All the best
Paul UK
striking similarity to JW
by inbetween inever heard of this church ?.
very similar reasoning to jw,...
The World Wide Church of God had a major split around 1985, There`s a youtube video something like "The World Wide Church of God - Called to be free" (????).
The main leaders of the Church, turned their back on Armstrongs Whacky theology when he popped his clogs, and became more Orthodox, along the lines of Evangelical Christianity, in that they accepted/ came to understand the meaning of Grace, Divinity of Christ and so on.
A splinter of the original WWCOG kept up Armstrongs teachings, and are steaming on full of weird interpretations of world Politics and so on. Very much in the JW line of mentality, if not worse!
Wiki covers it well, and there are several Youtube Vids that can explain it better than my half remembered effort. I must apologise for my inability to post links for some reason..
It is, a quite interesting story, from every point of view, if you have the time to follow it through.
All the best
Paul UK
How long will it take for me to be reinstated?
by jam inin veiw of the shortage of men in the borg, how.
long do you think it will take.
lets say you were.
New to the forums.
by ViridianSoul ini looked all over for a place to introduce myself and either i'm completely blind or i missed it.
i figured i'd just post it here.. okay.. hello to everyone.
my name's tabitha.
Hi, and welcome to the Forum, all are welcome here whatever their personal beliefs, and it is always a pleasure to read peoples experiences.
I`m sure you have much wisdom and experience, and you thoughts and input will be most welcome. Don`t be shy (I don`t think you will be as your post was very well put, and thought provoking), you`ll find us a friendly bunch.
Sometimes the discussions can get a bit heated, but we are all equal here, I`m trying to think of a good word to explain it, perhaps Humanist (either secular, or religious might be close, or maybe not?), personally, I place myself somewhere between Deist and orthodox Christian, but there are people here of many and varied beliefs, each is hopefully treated with the same respect and civility (usually).
Hope you enjoy contributing to the debate, and your personal life, which seems to be going the way you want it to, is a happy one.
All the best
Paul UK
How Come I Rarely See People In Field Service, Vs The 1980-1990s Doing House2House?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis infield service hours have hit new records each year, but i am seeing less people working the territory.
where is all the time spent, that people are putting in the field ministry?
it's been close to ten years, since i have seen people working certain territories.
Also, looking at the accounts of the Congregation nearest to me their revenue has fallen over the past couple of years, they declared a turnover in the region of £5000 for the tax year of 2010/11, as this congregation has a field service area that covers half a city with a population of nearly 70,000 people, they aren`t doing a lot of buisness.