God is love. Self love? No.
To be love you must have something/someone to love.
Hence, the Son/word of God.
The Father loves the Son (his own word)
rowan williams, the former archbishop of canterbury gave an interesting answer to the somewhat stark question, what’s the point of us existing?
as a christian, my starting point is that we exist because the most fundamental form of activity, energy, call it what you like, that is there, is love.
that is, it’s a willingness that the other should be.
God is love. Self love? No.
To be love you must have something/someone to love.
Hence, the Son/word of God.
The Father loves the Son (his own word)
in the march 2025 jw broadcast david splane in his morning worship talk mentioned that "some thought" that armageddon would come 40 years after 1914. such statements are usually meant to shift the blame of their own false predictions on to their members for speculating.
however, i was unable to find anything in print showing that such a thing was indeed taught by the society.
was this really a thing?.
True or not, so many falsehoods in WTS prophesy history, what’s another one?
what's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives on the jan 2025 w that is being studied today?.
is there a point to that?.
asking jehovah’s witnesses to interpret specific passages is a great way to demonstrate their interpretive abuse.
got any clear examples?.
a man, like new gb member jody jodele, dripping in wealth—$20,000 rolex, freemasonry ring, cushy life in upstate new york—pontificating about job’s suffering.
it’s a fair jab to question how someone so detached from hardship might approach a story of utter loss.
Why the GB distorts the whole Bible…
i have never been so convinced wts blood policy is evil and wrong.
Not Jehovah, just the WTS
—colossians 1:15 from the nwt says it plain as day: “he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation.” that’s not vague; it’s got a punch.
“firstborn” and “creation” sit side by side, and in greek, that second word is “ktisis,” which means the physical stuff—trees, stars, you name it.
The Bible is filled with what seems as many contradictions. We all need an authority to interpret this holy book. Taking specific scripture passages out of context can always lead to confusion.
One will always get a better feel for what the author is trying to convey by reading the complete paragraph and chapter.
Taking scriptures out of context, and breaking down, the specific grammar does not teach honest, biblical scholarship. This is common sense to anyone who’s ever read a book.
Make no mistake, Jesus claimed to be God.
John 8:58-59 Jesus claims directly to be God when he says “before Abraham was, I am “
Some will deny that, but the Jews around Jesus, instantly picked up stones to kill him for blasphemy. That is the specific sin/claim of being equal to God. If Jesus did not say that he was God, then why were they trying to kill him for blasphemy? Just common sense.
John 10:30-33 “I and the father are one “ and again, the crowd picks up stones to kill him for blasphemy. Again, the claim of blasphemy is to claim yourself equal to God. He may have not said in our English translation “I am God “but in Aramaic, that’s exactly what he said. They even told him “you make yourself, God “
When the apostles asked, “show us the father “. Jesus replies “whoever has seen me, has seen the father. Pretty direct quote of Jesus saying he is God.
Mark 2:5-7 Jesus, forgives, a sinner, and the Jews say “who can forgive sins, but God alone? “ what does Jesus do? Immediately after he forgives his sins, he heals the man.
Mathew 25:31 states that Jesus is the one who judges the world, who separates the wheat from the weeds, he alone decides who goes where.
Of course, 100% depends on where you put the authority of interpreting the Scriptures. I’ll put the authority in where the Scriptures came from. Others put the authority in an organization that picked up a Catholic book and decided that they knew better than the people who wrote, protected, taught l, lived by it righteous teachings.
so, here i am going through boxes and boxes of old wt literature.
i’m stacking it up from 1940’s to 1990’s.
i also have quite a few gems, like one 1917 studies in the scriptures.
Sell for $$.
it’s my understanding that everything you have would be considered “apostate material “.
The Father and the Son may not ever change, but “Jehovahs sole mouthpiece” changes with the times.
It’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil, not money itself.
just saying…cause it’s true
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
Blotty and Earnest,
Apologies to you both as I stand corrected!
You are right that Dr Jason BeDugh does in fact endorse the NWT as a 'remarkably good' translation AND 'is 'better by far' than some of the other translations. The fact remains that he is not an authority on biblical translations. Please read below..
I was shocked to find that a biblical scholar would endorse the NWT.....then, I researched a little on Dr Jason BeDugh and found that he has no languages degree in his studies of religions. Dr Jason DeBugh is no scholar of biblical translations.
According to his own CV
Bachelor of arts U of Illinois in [all] religious studies which does not require any biblical languages.
Master of Theological Studies from Harvard and again, a course of studies which does not require proficiency in any of the biblical languages.
He then got his PhD from Indiana U in comparative studies of religions.
Dr BeDugh has admitted on his own that he is NOT an expert on Greek or any other biblical language. So his endorsement is rather hollow.
Dr BeDugh IS a leader in Gnosticism which denies the deity, death and resurrection of Jesus.
In his school he teaches pagan courses like Ancient Gods and Goddesses and was the editor of the Gnostic World.
So, his views do align with WTS teachings, but endorsing an accurate translation from Greek to the NWT is nothing short of fraud for a scholar of religions as opposed to a scholar of Biblical languages.
You won't find a biblical scholar EVER endorsing the NWT. Keep searching! Sorry, but you know the rest.