Designs- I was asking for examples of scriptures that other Christian denominations ignore. That's what this thread is about..ignored scriptures
Not a captive wrote- I see in the study material that we had last week that I am not considered part of the Body of Christ unless I "believe in" the Trinity. I have discussed this with my study conductor. I have put before her that I do not understand why I must say the formula that has been forced down the throats of so many since the 4th century. I DO believe and affirm every Bible text that Jesus and the apostles taught.
I respectively disagree. The teaching of the Trinity has not been forced down your throat. It clearly is in scripture. Not the word Trinity, but it's concept. The Father , the Son and the Holy Ghost are all referred to as God and having attributes that only God could have. So let me add a few more scriptures that the Watchtower ignores supporting this position. seeing how you stated that you do believe and affirm every bible text that Jesus and the apostles taught.
These are Holy Ghost examples. Acts 13;2 The Holy Spirit refers to himself as 'I', Acts 5;3 "he" can be lied to, Acts 8;29. 10;19, 20; 13;2 'he' hears, Acts 21;11 'he' knows the future. John 15;26 'he' teaches, John 16;8-11 'he' prays and intercedes. Romans 15;30 'he' guides, Romans 8;26 'he' loves, Is 63;10 'he' feels hurt. In Heb 10;29 'he' can be outraged. These are the attributes of a person, not an active force. And lastly Mark 3;29 states that the Holy Spirit can be blasphemed....guess what.....Only God can be blasphemed. That is why these are scriptures that the Watchower would have it's adherents avoid. Are there scriptures that other Christian groups ignore? That was the question. Thanks