Wonderment- is there any current true scholar [phd at least] who agrees with the watchtower position in regards to John 1;1 , or are they all 19th century armchair translators who had other professions?
Posts by TTWSYF
The New World Translation Quote from an Elder
by howdidtihappen inyou've probably heard this before, but at a meeting last night the elder called the nwt the "rolls royce" of bibles.
i'm new to the jw bs (and as soon as i can break away, will do so.
) but do they also believe they have a superior bible to anyone elses outside the religion?
The New World Translation Quote from an Elder
by howdidtihappen inyou've probably heard this before, but at a meeting last night the elder called the nwt the "rolls royce" of bibles.
i'm new to the jw bs (and as soon as i can break away, will do so.
) but do they also believe they have a superior bible to anyone elses outside the religion?
The fact that it is not even accepted as a legit translation by ANY scholastic organization speaks volumns about the corrupt nature of the NWT version of the Holy Scriptures. Words added, changed and/or removed make it a version, not a translation.
Thank You for Your Service?
by Liberty93 inthank you for your service?by laurence m. vance.
recently by laurence m. vance: the warmongers lexicon.
it is without question that americans are in love with the military.
What has a military done for you lately?
If you're an american, they went across the world to get Osama Bin Laden for attacking and killing thousands of people on our own land.
How about pirates from Somalia that have attacked/hijacked/killed innocents on the high seas?. Just to name two recent things.
The world is filled with threats and they must be addressed or tyranny would rule. Notice that we are speaking english instead of german or japanese?
Oh, 70 years ago is ancient history perhaps? I don't think so. So yes, I thank those who give up their constitutional rights to protect ours.
It takes balls to join the military and it takes fortitude to finish the commitment.
Thanks to all
Told my Parents about me joining the Military.
by lucky1rish inso, i'm back, and many of you wanted me to post the unfolding drama that is my life at the moment.. last week i came out and told my father that i was in the navy, and was going to be trying out for aviation search air rescue.
it's an extensive rate, and one that has a 40% failure rate among those who qualify.
so needless to say, i do nothing but run and swim.. anyways, the reaction was what i expected.
Congrats on your decision. I know that it is hard with folks who are so confused about the NEED of a military to protect us from tyranny. The world is filled with dangers from home and abroad and our military is there to protects us.
Perhaps when the chance to speak with your Dad comes up again, you can bring up Matt 8;10 when Jesus commends Cornelius, a Roman centurian, on his faith., an army officer, a man righteous and fearing God. As a matter of fact, Jesus, John the baptist and other prophets had plenty of opportunity to instruct those in the military to abandon their professions, yet it never happened once....go figure how the WTS came up with that one
Let me be one of the first to say 'Thanks for serving!'
Watchtower baptism thousands of Children
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower baptism thousands of children.
today i uploaded a new article to my blog comparing what watchtower said about jesus and baptizing children with what watchtower had been doing for years.
my article is titled watchtower baptism thousands of children and is available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/08/watchtower-baptism-thousands-of.html.
I didn't think that Jesus baptised anyone, did he?
The Trinity
by The Quiet One ini have a question, primarily for trinitarians, but anyone's more than welcome to comment.
what scriptural basis is there for believing in the trinity?
i can understand some having the view that jesus/jehovah both can be worshipped, and the view that jesus should be, but where in the bible is the holy spirit worshipped?
IS 9; 6 For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace
personally, I like how the WTS 'translaters' put capital letters for Jesus;s titles.
And really?, Mighty God compared to Almighty God? That's not even an argument dude. The bible states quite clearly and explicitly that there is ONE God [e'chad] and all other gods are false.
The Trinity
by The Quiet One ini have a question, primarily for trinitarians, but anyone's more than welcome to comment.
what scriptural basis is there for believing in the trinity?
i can understand some having the view that jesus/jehovah both can be worshipped, and the view that jesus should be, but where in the bible is the holy spirit worshipped?
Wow, another Trinity post with the same old suspects and already running up a page count too.
Just 2 honest questions, please
Who is this scripture talking about?
What does it say about him?
I quote from the NWT version of the scriptures.
IS 9; 6 For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace
Dont you guys just love how the mainstream media still refers to the kingdom hall as a chruch anways ;)
by Joliette in....whenever i hear a news story about jw's, and when the news reporter refers to a kingdom hall as a chruch...too funny!!!.
i cant post any videos in google chorm, i'll have to post some in internet explorer..
I know, it's crazy. Don't they know that a church is for praying? How could you get that confused with a Kingdom Hall.
the trinity
by dogisgod inyes they do have a trinity.
jah, jesus, and that group of guys in new york.
Exudus 7:1 makes moses a demi god....a god to pharaoh. Does that mean it is all polythiestic? Ahh to argue about unprovable things.
Hello Deist, While Moses may have been considered a demi god and even Satan is called the evil god of the world matters not as all gods are false save for the God. Are you suggesting that IS 9;6 refers to Jesus as a god and not God?
the trinity
by dogisgod inyes they do have a trinity.
jah, jesus, and that group of guys in new york.