incidently, ignorant people lie plenty too...ei-lying for the 'TRUTH'
Posts by TTWSYF
The lying upper class??
by darthfader ininteresting article:.
the team's findings suggest that privilege promotes dishonesty.
The lying upper class??
by darthfader ininteresting article:.
the team's findings suggest that privilege promotes dishonesty.
I have read this before. There could be several reasons, but one could be that SOME educated people think that they're smarter than everyone else and that they can cover their tracks with spouses and others.
Why can Witness Doctors give Transfusions and sisters sell cigarettes??
by Witness 007 init's a "mortal sin" for a witness to not "abstain from blood" or smoke, yet witness elders who work in the medical field are free to administer blood transfusions.
and sisters that work in a supermarkets in the section that sells smokes are free to do's like not being immoral yourself but being a "pimp daddy" for others..
Are there really any JW MDs? I'd be very surprised.
For The Bible Tells Me So
by Celestial inin the 1980s, as a teenager, i had some fascination with alternative lifestyles.
i was never gay, i just thought i was.
i told my girlfriend about this and she ended up telling her dad.
The bible says alot of things. Many things are disgusting to the Almighty. That's ANY sexual relation aside from marrige. The bible says that even THINKING of relations are offensive to, homo's are the same as everyone else. None of us satisfy God's high standards.
That's why so many are thankful for Jesus who takes away the sin of the world.
no offense intended on the homo's point
You may be a jw if.....
by just Ron inyou may be a jw ........if you spent last saturday traped in a car with at least 4 other people you may be a jw.. if you have sat through a sheparding call where you were told you are unworthy you may be a jw.. if you have alienated your worldly relatives with your preaching you may be a jw.. if you have ticked some one of buy knocking on their door on one of their religous holidays you may be a jw.. if you think the governing body is goods direct channel you may be a jw.. if you have no clue when this system is going to end you may be a jw.. .
If you are embarrassed by your faith/doctrines/beliefs to the point that you hide it from others [even when doing field service initially]...then you might be a JW
What is a fresh annointing
by StopTheTears ini was driving home the other night and felt god say to me that i needed a fresh anointing.. .
i came home and told my landlady what happened to me.
the first thing she said was "how do you get a fresh anointing?
A fresh annointing?
That's an annointing with back talk. You don;t have to take. There is help available
Jesus Was but not IS Michael!
by free thought into honor the son is to honor the father.. i am a practicing jw who i believe is of the heavenly calling.
this post is not to criticize wts but to open honest discussion among mature followers of christ.. there has been much controversy around the wts doctrine regarding the arch angel michael.
as many are aware, wts believe that jesus in his pre-human existence was michael , gods first born.
Designs, don't confuse me please, I was making a point.....what was the question again?
Jesus Was but not IS Michael!
by free thought into honor the son is to honor the father.. i am a practicing jw who i believe is of the heavenly calling.
this post is not to criticize wts but to open honest discussion among mature followers of christ.. there has been much controversy around the wts doctrine regarding the arch angel michael.
as many are aware, wts believe that jesus in his pre-human existence was michael , gods first born.
Lets go to the tape. What does the Word of God say?
Heb 13; 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.
So, if you believe the bible, I guess it's different then the WTS Jesus, eh?
Regulate Marijuana Like Wine (interesting article)
by sabastious in
i am ecstatic to hear that people are attempting something like this.
i have always thought that using marijuana could be likened to using wine as a medicine.
There can be as many strains of weed as there can be types of dogs.
Or a better analogy could be types of wine..depending on the buzz.
True Pink Floyd Fans Only...(ok everyone is invited)
by charlie brown jr. inlistening to a retro lunch...... this queensryche song comes on.......
the only song from them i like for 1 reason........ pink floyd rip off...... hidden voices..... and the me!.
Loved the Floyd. Too bad that Water's ego ruined great chemistry. He wrote the words, but Gilmore has that sound that others wanted on their albums [Pete Townsend and Paul McCartney to name a couple] I do not know of anyone asking Roger Water's to play on their album, but I may be wrong.
Although Momentary lapse of reason was not the typical Floyd rock opera, it did set up a much better division bell. That is one of my favorites [just like the final cut]
just mho mind you.