I am always amazed at the idea that because Jesus was in his 30s when he was baptised that Christians should wait also. It is unbiblical to wait imho.
Jesus was in his 30s because that's when John the baptist was baptising. He wasn't baptising when Jesus was 6 was he?
Also, Jesus did not need to be baptised, did he? It was another example of his humility and humanity in my opinion.
What do the scriptures say? In the book of acts there are several examples of whole families being baptised at once. Now a family could have teenagers, young children, infants, etc.
IE Acts 16;15 'She was baptized, with her household'
Acts 16;33 'He was baptized at once with all his family'
1Corinthians 1;16 'I did baptize also the household of Stephanas'
These examples are the examples of the early church establishing it's doctrine on the baptism of the Christians. No studying, No age restrictions and not baptized in the name of any church or organization.