True story from yours truly,
I know Steven Hassan and have for over 15 years. We lived in the same neighborhood in greater boston and met during a beer and bbq that residents were having in the parking lot that we shared.
He told me his story over beer and grilled tuna and I thought to myself 'jeesh, this guy's too much', from being brought up Jewish and then converted to the moonies and then being rescued and then had to be deprogrammed and etc, etc..
The next few months after meeting him I'd see him in the parking lot and exchange pleasantries.
Maybe it was a few months later that some nitwit in california had his small cult group kill themselves to catch the passing spacecraft taking them all to utopia. These poor people all wore nike sneakers for the trip. Later that night, who's on nightline, but Steve Hassan. As I was swilling a beer that streamed out of my nostrils "that's my neighbor Steve!" I shouted to my friends [had a bachelor pad at the time].
I saw him again several months later with a newfound respect for his accomplishments and we spoke often. I asked about my brother and the JWs. He told me that it was a cult. I said that my brother was happy and that's what mattered. He simply refered me to his book [combating cult]. I asked how he knew and he rattled off several control techniques that high control groups use. Foolishly, I didn't read the book.
Any way, it took years for me to realize how correct he was way back then. He gets alot of print here I see.
Stevie! if you're out there, I hope you're well!
Too bad about Brad D. Remember seeing Beatlejuice at JohnyDs?