What's that church famous for exorcisms?
Posts by TTWSYF
Book: "Demonic Possesion after becoming Jehovah's Witnesses"
by thomyorke inhttp://books.google.co.uk/books?id=kdocyszo8rgc&pg=pp1&lpg=pp1&ots=kjza2ufeqq&dq=the+wind+demon+within+me&hl=ru&output=html_text.
do you heard something about that book?!
Fading JW goes against 3 Mormons
by Gojira_101 inwell as the title says it.
i had 3 mormons "call" on me a few minutes ago.
this is the first time being on the other side of the door knocking.
I'll quote my JW brother " We eat Mormons for breakfast!"
Service meeting topic: Masturbation
by perfect1 inone of my strangest memories of going to the kh was when a young- maybe 18-20, pimply young man got up to talk about jhvhs view of masturbation during a service meeting.. of course, it was impossible to think about him not masturbating.
i was just hitting puberty and found the whole thing very uncomfortable- i think my dad was even critiquing him (what is that called when elder gives the feedback).
looking back now i can see that to publicly condemn masturbation, especially when a young man is delivering this admonition, is- well- hilarious.
I'm, I'm I'm I'm knocking on your door...whew!
American Bible Challenge?
by TTWSYF ini watched jeff foxworthy's new game show last week.
it was entertaining and informative.
anyone else check it out?
I watched Jeff Foxworthy's new game show last week. It was entertaining and informative. Anyone else check it out? This was a stumper to me..
Who was the only woman Judge in the book of Judges?...no cheating please.
My JW In-Law Celebrated my Bday...sort of.
by MaybeSo innew member, first post.. so, my bday was last monday, to my surprise my wonderful jw mother-in-law brought me a big ass cake (chocolate, my fav) on sunday along with a nice cologne with all the accesories included.
all this just because!.
hmm.... i wonder if she was secretely giving me a bday gift??
Happy Fuc@#$g birthday! Maybe she's seeing that she's in a cult. Hope so!
American Horror Story
by baltar447 inanyone else looking forward to season 2?.
http://screenrant.com/american-horror-story-season-2-promo-spoilers-/ .
Glad to hear that its coming back. Thought that they were gonna be one and done. Jessica Lange was awesome! Brilliant is the only way to discribe her performance. Looking forward to the Walking Dead also! I like true blood too...I'm such a loser.
Anyone Notice this in the New Brochure "Good News From God"?
by Cadellin inif you look on page 10, "what is god's purpose for the earth?," you'll see an illustration of adam in the garden--with a belly button!!
what were the wt artists thinking????.
i'd post a scan but, alas, i'm unable to in my present locale..
Belly button questions? Stake or Cross? One[plural/compound] God or One [singular] God? Jesus bodily resurrecting or 'spirit' resurrecting? Jesus returning.....invisibly...to only WTS phonies? Jesus is Michael? The Holy Ghost is an 'active force' and nothing more? After centuries of Cesars persecuting Christians, one gets converted and stops killing Christians and he's an anti-Christ?
It's a wonder that you people are still smart enough to breath on your own, let along actually read the bible..lol!
meant respectfully and with love..and a little biting humor...
Trinity Brochure
by flamegrilled inhas anybody heard an official reason that the trinity brochure is deceased?.
the gb have been released basically new versions of old brochures with wild abandon, and yet the trinity brochure which has absolutely no equivalent is no longer in print.. why?.
we all know there were dodgy references/quotations therein, but you would think by now the gb would have put some effort into a viable replacement if it were posssible.. nobody seems to be making too much of this as far as i can see.. the trinity brochure was very naughty.
Trinity Brochure
by flamegrilled inhas anybody heard an official reason that the trinity brochure is deceased?.
the gb have been released basically new versions of old brochures with wild abandon, and yet the trinity brochure which has absolutely no equivalent is no longer in print.. why?.
we all know there were dodgy references/quotations therein, but you would think by now the gb would have put some effort into a viable replacement if it were posssible.. nobody seems to be making too much of this as far as i can see.. the trinity brochure was very naughty.
One example of dishonest journalism must be the referrences to the early church fathers. The SYBITT brochure states that
all the church fathers agreed that Jesus was not God. Too bad for the WTS that the opposite of what they state is true with plenty of easily obtainable written evidence.
What arrogance! The SYBITT brochure is looked upon much like the NWT. As a joke that only a cultist could defend.
Trickery in WT publications
by bottleofwater inhttp://mybrainwobbles.blogspot.com/2012/07/trickery-in-watchtower-publications.html.
Tricker in WT publication !?!?
Wow, that's an understatement! I'm still not over the out right lies in the "Should you beleive in the Trinity" booklet. Not trickery, but blatant lies.
Trickery? If it were trickery we'd all have a laugh....it would be as if the WTS wasn't a cult...but we know better, right?