Personally I am a revert. Was raised catholic and when my JW brother converted he spoke of all the evils of the Church. I left the catholic church without getting answers to questions that were brought up. A few years later after another sibling visited Medjugorje I felt the desire to find some answers to these questions. The answers are there. You just don't look for answers from a place that hates. Find answers from those that love. What I mean is that if I want to find out about anything. The best source is from people who love the topic, not from people who hate the topic.
So I started asking questions about catholics from priests, nuns, lay people [converts/reverts] etc.
I also started asking questions about WTS teachings from my elder brother and many of his peers and other elders that my brother referred to me.
After researching it was easy to see what made sense and what didn't fit.
Lying for the truth was the biggest thing to me that led me to believe that JWs will say ANYTHING to further their membership drive. Truth means nothing. I mean real truth.
just saying