I would consult an expert like Steven Hassan... I have yet to do so, but that;s what I;d do to find an answer to this question
just sayin
first off, i certainly agree the jw's are a cult.
but i'm sensitive to black-and-white thinking now.. so, where do they rank on the scale?
think of a cultish religion scale from 0-10.. consider the likes of unitarian universalism vs baptist vs amish vs charles manson.. where do you think jw's fall on the scale?.
I would consult an expert like Steven Hassan... I have yet to do so, but that;s what I;d do to find an answer to this question
just sayin
someone named john free popped in on one of my posts at exmormon[dot]com and mentioned this website.
i have a lot of questions.
i never knew much about about the jw church.
Nice posts guys. I remember reading about some exMormons who attended BYU and they were saying how they went to that prestigious university and applied the scientific method on all of their studies...except the study of their faith. No scientific method used there. I think that when you have neurological pathways that work for other intellectual queries in place, then it must be easier to apply those pathways when you move on from the cult. That may be why Mormons can move on a little easier than JWs.
I did not apply the scientific method in my analysis....
how many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....
Well the worse things get, generally the more growth the Watchtower organization experiences
Really? Is there any growth in the WTS? Kinda thought they were stuck at around 8 million for some time now.
how many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....
A nuclear war, natural flood, magnetic poles shift, a large comet strike or a zombie apocalypse would not correct some 150 years of false prophesy, flip flops and out right lies. Lying for the truth involves a lot of fear as motivation.
Trust in Jesus,
just saying
so, if lying or being deliberately misleading is a "disfellowshipping" offence, why haven't the brothers who lied to the australian royal commission been brought before a judicial committee?
How could lying be a DFing offense when the WTS has the 'lying for the Truth' policy? Their whole 'theocratic warfare' policy allows all JWs to lie about almost anything to protect the WTS.
Just saying...that 'the Truth' has no truth
hello, maybe someone on here can make some sense out of this:.
one of the reasons why jws are so quick to believe any changes from the gb is that they believe the light is getting brighter.
now there have been some teachings that to my knowledge changed at one point but then were reverted back to the original teaching.
The light gets brighter when they turn the light on. It is darker when the lights are off.
Clearly, someone at the Watchtower is playing with the light switch.
have a bible question.
been reading the arguments for the "faithful & wise servant" of mt.
25:45-51 being an individual versus a "class" or group of christians.
Sparrow, 'make it so' was Picard
just saying
sorry to be so blunt, but you only have yourself to blame if you realize something is wrong but allow your cognitive dissonance to kick in.
if you are confronted with facts which are reported by reliable sources which are hard to dispute and deny, and you choose to dismiss these as "apostate lies" rather than looking at these from an objective point of view, it's your fault and you deserve the consequences of willful ignorance!.
Divergent-Good for you to speak your mind and defend your position. I had come to this board with similar feelings regarding these people who believe that 'lying for the TRUTH' is acceptable. I mean who could think such a thing would be alright? What I found out is that these issues are more complicated than that.
just saying
jesus said "look to the fruits" of real christians.. it is unbelievable that the wt says that new anointed christians are merely false.
how can humans decide who is anointed and who's not?.
how can the watchtower society say these unchristian statements?
jesus said "look to the fruits" of real christians.. it is unbelievable that the wt says that new anointed christians are merely false.
how can humans decide who is anointed and who's not?.
how can the watchtower society say these unchristian statements?
Good point Gorby,
What are the WTS fruits?
Can anyone say? I don;t mean works [going door to door or restoring Gods name are works, not fruits], I mean what are the fruits?