Eden one- If I may, the Catholic Church does not like these Mary sightings. They deny every instance of any supernatural apparition until it gets to the point that they can no longer deny it. The Christian faith is set and has been since the apostles started the church some 2000 years ago. Fatima (in Portugal) , like Lordes (in France) had so much evidence as a real supernatural event that the Church HAD to accept it.
Fatima in particular had over 60,000 witnesses. Not just Catholic brain washed minions, but lots of skeptics and doubters looking to discredit the children involved and the Church too. The kids involved announced that God would give proof to the crowd on Oct13th. Tens of thousands arrived...thousands to discredit, yet every single person declared the same experience. Some as far as 20 miles away. More likely something supernatural happened there than a big hoax. At least according to those 60k witnesses.
just saying...cause I looked it up too