Posts by TTWSYF
Is there actually a valid Translation of the Bible ?
by Phizzy ini saw a vid on-line awhile ago, i cannot remember the title so can't find it, but the guy was some sort of expert in the languages of the bible, and he made a very good case that there has never been a proper translation of the bible.. what he was saying was that all translators fall into the same trap of an overly slavish use of the etymology of words rather than how language was actually used at the time of writing.. he said that what was needed were scholars who were familiar with secular contemporaneous writings, and knew how language was used at the time.. this looks like a very interesting argument.. any thoughts ?
vidqun- Dead languages are the easiest to translate. The meanings of words and phrases do not change anymore [the language is dead]. Example, no one speaks latin anymore so the translations are very accurate and can be re-translated to our language as our language evolves.. if that make sense. -
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Punko-good point, but there is a diff between giving your life for a cause and being tortured to death imho -
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Punk- Fair enough, Jesus;s legend was promoted orally for many years before being put to the parchment. Many comparisons to other demigods were a common argument against the legitimacy of his existence. That said, once the blade touches YOUR skin, you would NOT hold onto any legend. At least I don;t think that I would.
just saying
Watchtower HATES being compared to Catholic Church - but if the shoe fits...
by Zoos inremember this?.
well how about this?.
Hi Sofia Lose- Don't forget that the JW baptism is a baptism of joining the Watchtower, It is not a valid baptism. Valid baptism is something that you do not need to study for. You simply are baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost [or Holy Spirit]
In the book of acts, people and their whole house holds and families were baptized immediately and all at once without any of the JW drama. Baptisms were to enter God's family and you wanted to do that asap.
Jw baptisms are to promote loyalty to the Tower...all worship the Tower
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Punkofnice- Did Jesus actually exist?
There were a boat load of people who were tortured to death for a while after Jesus died. If it were not true, there would be no Christianity 2000 years later would there?
Just asking
Is there actually a valid Translation of the Bible ?
by Phizzy ini saw a vid on-line awhile ago, i cannot remember the title so can't find it, but the guy was some sort of expert in the languages of the bible, and he made a very good case that there has never been a proper translation of the bible.. what he was saying was that all translators fall into the same trap of an overly slavish use of the etymology of words rather than how language was actually used at the time of writing.. he said that what was needed were scholars who were familiar with secular contemporaneous writings, and knew how language was used at the time.. this looks like a very interesting argument.. any thoughts ?
This is exactly why you need biblical scholars to translate the scriptures. It is not just about the language, it's about the time, the place and the people as words mean different things to different people in different cultures even if they speak the same language throughout specific time periods.
ie 'I want to smoke a fag' or 'I'm so pissed' will mean totally different things to an American compared to a Brit.
just saying....that you need more than a greek-english or hebrew-english or aramiac-english dictionary to translate the scriptures
Watchtower HATES being compared to Catholic Church - but if the shoe fits...
by Zoos inremember this?.
well how about this?.
How can you NOT compare the Catholic Church to the Watchtower? Look at their fruits.
The Catholic Church gave the world universities, hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, food banks, etc and is the largest charity in the world.
The Watchtower gives spiritual food at the proper time and is restoring God's real name and now is the largest publisher in the world.
They're like twinsif
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Typical watchtower twisting of the facts. Same as they have always been. I forget which booklet that I read it in, but something along the lines of..
Christ died on a stake because Stauros means a stake or pole in classical Greek.
The issue is that the NT is not written in classical Greek Classical. Classical Greek was not spoken for several hundred years before Christ.
The NT was written in Koine Greek and in that dialect, Stauros means both a pole or an intersecting poles [one a top the other] like a cross.
Also, Christianity was spread orally for centuries before the scriptures were confirmed. Are you going to believe that everyone telling of the Lords crucifixion was in error?
Just asking
Hey everybody! Just droppin' in :)
by macys init feels so good to be free from the jdub cult!
Welcome to the board!
Will Adam Eve be resurrected? If not why? WT tell us.
by James Mixon injan. 15, 1960 wt.
page 53.
"since the supreme judge never makes a mistakes, there is no need for him to take under.
The men of Sodom will be resurrected.
The men of Sodom will not be resurrected.
The men of Sodom will be resurrected.
The men of Sodom will not be resurrected.
Ok, I'm confused....