Cofty, you would reject ANY explanation of the trinity. NO matter what anyone says, you would attack their position. The good news is that other people can see your angry replies too. I have explained [what I have learned in my journey] that God is described as a plural ONE in the Old testament.
Hebrew [the language of the OT] has 2 words for one. Yachid and Echad. A singular one, meaning only ONE. And a plural one, meaning that things come together for ONE. Examples that I had given included - Day and night come together as [ a plural] one day. Husband and wife come together as [ a plural] ONE flesh. 'God is one' is ALWAYS written in the old testament as a plural one. Very clearly and obviously, the God of the Jewish people is MORE than a singular one because that is how the Jews described him. Jews are awaiting God in the flesh as their savior, not an angel as their savior. Why, because that's what the OT says.
Your reply '-What's a plural God? That makes no sense.'
A plural one is a one that has more than one singular component. That is how the Jews described the oneness of God. Those are the words of scripture, not mine. Just trying to help you understand...if you wanted to. That's why [true] Christianity is compatible with the Old testament. The singular God of the Watchtower is inline with the Muslim [singular] God. Sorry, that's the facts.
No such thing as a trinity bible, only bible translations, with some considered much, much, much more legit than others.
Your challenge of describing the trinity is a way that isn't heretical is clearly described as a 3 dimensional being. A being [that we can observe] would have depth, height and width. Take away the depth and you have a 2 dimensional picture, like a tv screen or photo album....DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? Which words do you not understand?
Just asking...if you're interested in knowing or not . I'm thinking not