Better to stick to the bible, ALL of it. JWs are the only ones who do that. Using the divine name is also key.
It is my experiences that the JWs do very little of the bible. They do not do anything scriptural. They have a new testament of Jesus. A false new testament. How do we know? Look at their fruits. Really, look at the fruits. No one can name one JW fruit. Everything in JW doctrine is a copy of catholic teachings. Going door to door with a catholic book [the bible] telling everyone that Jehovah is God's true name [coined by a catholic monk] telling people that they are the biblical authority in prophesy and meaning [with a history of less than 200 years] What are the fruits? If it is from God, there would be fruits.
What's the JW alternative? Try a church has real fruits that have helped billions and billions and billions. Jws have works that have no fruits. NAME A FRUIT, JUST ONE GOOD FRUIT FROM JWs please.