Wonderment-ultimately, the charges of Jesus's claims of divinity were brought before the Jewish leaders. That's why he was crucified.
You posted Secondly, did you read the context presented in the article?" See below:
Does it take Jesus claiming to be God to prompt the Jews to kill him? No. It was even forbidden for others to say that Jesus was the Messiah. (John 9:22) And why was Stephen the martyr stoned to death? Stephen was stoned, not because he claimed to be God, nor because he claimed Jesus was God, but because he was proclaiming Jesus to be the heavenly-exalted Son of Man, the Messiah. (Acts 7.55-58)
What nonsense. Of course they wanted to kill him for blasphemy. Why else would they want to kill Jesus? For saying 'I have been'? How ridiculous is that argument? Scripture says explicitly that it was because Jesus made himself equal to God. Read the text instead of posting nonsense void of reason. Lying for the truth is still lying and your thoughtful answers are decayed with common sense and reason...sorry