One good fruit, OK how about the FACT that JWs are the only option fulfilling what Jesus said in Matt 24:14 "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached to all the nations"
Please tell me another Church who is involved in this global preaching work? Im surprised it hasnt yet been brought up in this thread, go on which option have we all missed which is also involved in a vast global preaching campaign? Oh thats right there isnt any apart from JWs.
If the Divine name was originally from the Catholics then why did they stop using it?
Former brother, if I may correct your confusion. The fact that JWs are preaching to all nations is not a fruit, It is a work. A fruit would be something good that came from that work. NO FRUITS just works that produce NO FRUITS.
Secondly, how is it that JWs take credit for bringing the good news? It's a catholic book. Are you suggesting that JWs have more missionary work than the Catholic church? No reasoning and sense in your argument.
Why did the catholic church stop using Jehovah? Because it's a made up name. If it was the true name of God, then everyone would be using the Lords name in vain just by saying Jehovahs witnesses because it is rarely used in worship in JWs and others. STILL NO FRUITS, just works that produce NO FRUITS....sorry