If the bible is a catholic book, how and why would they manipulate it? It's their book from the get go AND it came after their church was established orally.
Just curious
theburstbubble: just as a translation is it as accurate as they say it is?
or have they played with some of the verses to suit the beliefs?
just curious... i don't know why but i find it quite sad if the nwt is so misleading to support their own beliefs.
If the bible is a catholic book, how and why would they manipulate it? It's their book from the get go AND it came after their church was established orally.
Just curious
i'm sorry if i'm covering old ground here.
but is the nwt bible a credible translation of the scriptures?
i'm not asking if you believe in the bible or not.
Worth mentioning that no scholarly board, organization or university thinks enough of the NWT to even list it as a legit translation.
At least, that's my understanding
i'm sorry if i'm covering old ground here.
but is the nwt bible a credible translation of the scriptures?
i'm not asking if you believe in the bible or not.
In my opinion it is a very reliable version for the JW. It is in keeping with their theology.
It is not a good translation though. A translation is the translators interpretation of what the writer was trying to convey
A version is someones version of what they want to hear
NWT is a version, not a translation imho
just wondering, as i will be visiting active jw family in ohio in a few weeks, do you think it will be worthwhile dropping it into a conversation, about the wtbts pyramid near his grave, or try some other topic to try and wake them up.
i was never baptized and don't really care if they get upset or not, but it is only a day trip from ohio to pittsburgh, and thought it would be fun if they denied it, and then drove their to see it for ourselves.
I think that if a witness was having doubts, then the pyramid and other such nonsense would strike a cord, otherwise it is not a big deal. My brother and his family are kool-aid drinkers and NOTHING changes their perceptions.
Overwhelming biblical examples that explicitly counter WTS positions and teachings mean nothing. Examples of blatant lies and twisting of words and scriptures mean nothing. Even proof of the church fathers' teachings that prove that EVERYONE OF THEM believed Jesus was God in the flesh mean nothing.
One time only as my brother was rambling on about 'you know a tree by it's fruits' and I asked 'What fruits?" And he gave the standard line about going door to door restoring the true name of God, yaddayadda. And I informed him that these things are works, not fruits. He was perplexed for 2 days and when we spoke about the fruits again, he stated that works are fruits. How can you reason when you have no common sense and reasoning?
l thought this would be an interesting exercise to read the different responses.
my question is what makes you think your gods chosen medium?and prove it.
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of a winged sparrow?
do you think it is easier for an elder to wake up to the wtbts because of the position he is in which gives him access to info that the rank & file would not be privy to, or do you think it would be harder for him to wake up because of all the prestige/power/admiration he receives as a result of being an elder, or does it come down to something else entirely?.
q. what is more important, the bible teach book or the bible itself?.
a. the bible, of course.. q. then why do you only display these books, and not the bible?.
In my obnoxious opinion....The answer to this OP question is the same answer for "Which is more important, the Watchtower and Awake or the bible?. Which do you think is more important to the WTS?
The bible?,,,a catholic book that many people can relate to...that's their 'in'
The WTS publications [which ever ones are available]...pushes WTS agenda and lists biblical references which almost never relate to the point that they are trying to make.
Also I wanna shout out to OUTLAW, I very much appreciate your cartoons, moving videos, and work on these replies....Whenever I see your name, I know I will be entertained. Many thanks from The Truth Will Set You Free
are our dead loved ones watching over us at all or are they really just gone now?
are our dead loved ones watching over us at all or are they really just gone now?
I don't know from personal experience, but Jesus says in the bible
24 Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? 25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.26 Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’[d]? 27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
The slaughter at Armageddon is for a specific purpose: to quell the attack against the Christ, not to slaughter those who do not believe in God. Unless you decide to engage in that fight, you can feel confident of surviving Armageddon.
Acts? I think you should read revelation. Armageddon comes for the righteous and the depraved according to my bible