Lying for the Truth
is still a lie and the Truth
if you speak an untruth that you believe to be true, is it a lie?
does it become a lie when you discover and then fail to admit, or obscure the untruth?
i would like to be a fly on the wall when the gb makes new doctrine.
Lying for the Truth
is still a lie and the Truth
witnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
I think there are many reasons why the ORG is Prozac Nation. Probably the biggest reason for anxiety and stress is that there is no rest.
I think something as simple as keeping the Sabbath would work wonders.
There is never a day of rest for JWs as I have heard JWs say 'isn't it even better to give ALL days to Jehovah?'
The day of rest was given to refresh your spirit and body from God, not the other way around.
There's not enough Prozac in the world to give rest when you NEED rest.
just my opinion
i don't know about your experiences, but for my brother and his family, going from catholic to witness was [is] a disaster.
he's an elder and wouldn't admit it, but his health and portfolio have drastically declined since his conversion to the jw faith.
it is apparent to all who love him.
Satan attacking him for 25 years?
No fruits whatsoever. That just doesn't make any sense
i don't know about your experiences, but for my brother and his family, going from catholic to witness was [is] a disaster.
he's an elder and wouldn't admit it, but his health and portfolio have drastically declined since his conversion to the jw faith.
it is apparent to all who love him.
which ones make you the maddest?
covering up of abuse, shunning, failed end of world predictions?.
my list is long and heavy, but the top 3 that set me off the most are:.
My biggest issue is the 'lying for the Truth' aka 'Theocratic Warfare'
Effing liars
i've just finished reading alan miller's "fade from the truth", i enjoyed it and i love that it's freely available.
so i was thinking of writing a book of my own.
not an account of my life but more a simple step by step look at jw's and what they are really like?
I'll give my one suggestion to your writing desire.
Write about what YOU know.
is this a real thing or has someone designed this as a joke?
is this a real thing or has someone designed this as a joke?
I must give all credit of this plagiarized post to Outlaw. How can ANY people still buy this stuff?
... pen and teller were showing people how it's really done....
but jws are not superstitious, no, no.
I thought the magic of 80s and 90s was the fact that Armageddon didn't come as the WTS predicted.
Yup, must be magic
the problem is i have a baptized witness going out on service door to door giveing comments at kh who for the last 4 years has had sex with at least 10 prostitutes and regularly takes drugs ie speed the cong has no idea he's doing this he says he will never go to elders for fear his family will shun him if df so he continues i know because he tells me everything should i tell the elders or not.
YEAH, Family Guy
As far as the OP? Yes, put your 2 cents in on other people's business. That's always a good path to take. Give'em hell and YOU make it right