I also agree that there have been no closings of brothels in these locations. Love those brothels!
Albania | Dominican Republic | Korea | Rwanda | ||||||||
Angola | Ecuador | Kyrgyzstan | Senegal | ||||||||
Argentina | Ethiopia | Liberia | Serbia | ||||||||
Australia | Fiji | Macedonia | Sierra Leone | ||||||||
Barbados | Finland | Madagascar | Slovakia | ||||||||
Belgium | France | Malawi | Slovenia | ||||||||
Benin | Georgia | Mexico | Solomon Islands | ||||||||
Bolivia | Germany | Moldova | South Africa | ||||||||
Brazil | Ghana | Mozambique | Spain | ||||||||
Britain | Greece | Myanmar | Sri Lanka | ||||||||
Bulgaria | Guam | Netherlands | Suriname | ||||||||
Burundi | Haiti | New Caledonia | Tahiti | ||||||||
Cameroon | Hong Kong | Nigeria | Taiwan | ||||||||
Canada | Hungary | Papua New Guinea | Thailand | ||||||||
Central African Republic | India | Paraguay | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | ||||||||
Chile | Indonesia | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | ||||||||
Colombia | Israel | Philippines | Uganda | ||||||||
Côte d’Ivoire | Italy | Poland | Ukraine | ||||||||
Croatia | Japan | Portugal | United States | ||||||||
Curaçao | Kazakhstan | Romania | Venezuela | ||||||||
Denmark | Kenya | Russia | Zambia | ||||||||
Which of these others are closed? | Zimbabwe |