"when the Judge was promoting the end of times in the 1870s."
You really owe it to yourself to get a more accurate grasp of JW history; lest you sound silly.
HAHA, Too late for me now,
"The Judge" was about 1 year old in 1870. But we get your point...............Doc
Feeling like the scarecrow a little...
Since Christ's death over 2,000 years ago (!) how many successive generations of believers have been told the end is imminent? How do they sustain belief, given John implored Christ in his vision less than 100 years after Christ's death to "Come quickly, Lord Jesus."
I think that the end was usually thought of as a personal end as opposed to an extinction level event. We all are born to die within a limited amount of time, but the world? Who could possible know?
Thanks for the corrections though... I'm still learning