So I ask because of all the books, mags and testimonies that the WTS promotes. Not only the WTS, but many other Christians attempt to speak about the bible with authority. How do we measure who is an authority if we don't know that much?
just asking
so i ask because of all the books, mags and testimonies that the wts promotes.
not only the wts, but many other christians attempt to speak about the bible with authority.
how do we measure who is an authority if we don't know that much?.
So I ask because of all the books, mags and testimonies that the WTS promotes. Not only the WTS, but many other Christians attempt to speak about the bible with authority. How do we measure who is an authority if we don't know that much?
just asking
JWs think that they'll never die, never mind that everyone who has ever lived in the past has died. Those poor, ignorant people...
JWs are...intellectually dishonest for the obvious reasons that the WTS has a long and well documented history of false prophesy, lying and manipulation, yet the R and F just lap up lies and call it 'The Truth'
Sorry if that sounds harsh...
in the newest bible the gb took out the scriptures found in the last chapter of mark verses 9 on.
they say these scriptures were added later.
what they don't tell you in in the oldest bible the septuagint the assention of christ to heaven was also not in the book of luke nor mathew!
What was left out of the bible? Well, Jesus used the septuagint, so I think that it is right that those books be included in the bible. Many protestants will assert that the catholics added books to the bible, but the truth is that many protestants took out books that they didn't like.
Book of Tobit is a good book removed from the NWT
what's the greatest advantage in becoming a roman catholic after leaving the jehovah's witnesses some 17 years ago?
why, it's the way it totally irritates people and really pushes their buttons...that is, if you are one of the unfortunate jehovah's witnesses who happens across my door during field service.
i have developed several techniques to make it very frustrating to the unwary witness who hopes to make headway at my house.
There's a show called 'The Journey Home' on EWTN where catholics tell their tale of conversion.
There was a former JW who said that if you want to stump an JW at your door, simple ask them
"Why do you go door to door with a Catholic book?"
i have far too many to name, but ill start with obscene music, gambling and cussing like a sailor.
all the while preaching to "worldly people" about their impending death at armageddon.
I was never a JW, but my uber elder brother still regrets ever uttering the words to me that I still can't believe... even to this day
"Lying for the Truth" later changed to Theocratic Warfare.
talk about a hypocrisy
what's the greatest advantage in becoming a roman catholic after leaving the jehovah's witnesses some 17 years ago?
why, it's the way it totally irritates people and really pushes their buttons...that is, if you are one of the unfortunate jehovah's witnesses who happens across my door during field service.
i have developed several techniques to make it very frustrating to the unwary witness who hopes to make headway at my house.
I think there's a lot of potential for humor when catholics and jws [educated in their faith] debate. Know your faith and do battle.
If both know their faiths, there will be fireworks.
Admittedly, though, JWs will lose their debates because truthful history is not on their side...sorry
so it occurred to me how crazy the wts is and has been.. if i am 25 years old and my parents had me when they were 25, my grandparents were 25 when they had my parents, and their parents were 25 and so on and we were witnesses, what would we think?.
my point?.
my great, great, great grandparents were around 25 years old when the judge was promoting the end of times in the 1870s.
"when the Judge was promoting the end of times in the 1870s."
You really owe it to yourself to get a more accurate grasp of JW history; lest you sound silly.
HAHA, Too late for me now,
"The Judge" was about 1 year old in 1870. But we get your point...............Doc
Feeling like the scarecrow a little...
Since Christ's death over 2,000 years ago (!) how many successive generations of believers have been told the end is imminent? How do they sustain belief, given John implored Christ in his vision less than 100 years after Christ's death to "Come quickly, Lord Jesus."
I think that the end was usually thought of as a personal end as opposed to an extinction level event. We all are born to die within a limited amount of time, but the world? Who could possible know?
Thanks for the corrections though... I'm still learning
so it occurred to me how crazy the wts is and has been.. if i am 25 years old and my parents had me when they were 25, my grandparents were 25 when they had my parents, and their parents were 25 and so on and we were witnesses, what would we think?.
my point?.
my great, great, great grandparents were around 25 years old when the judge was promoting the end of times in the 1870s.
So it occurred to me how crazy the WTS is and has been.
If I am 25 years old and my parents had me when they were 25, my grandparents were 25 when they had my parents, and their parents were 25 and so on and we were witnesses, what would we think?
My point?
My great, great, great grandparents were around 25 years old when the Judge was promoting the end of times in the 1870s. Every generation since has been told by the WTS that the end was eminent. Thank God that they did not sell their homes and belongings waiting on the WTS interpretation of the bible.
They were all taught that they were not going to die.
What do we tell our kids about the future?
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Haha Former Brother- You still follow a religion without fruit