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Posts by TTWSYF
JW VS Catholic
by Iamallcool inmost of us know that jw despise the catholic church the most among many religions for many years.
my question is do catholic church despise jw as much as the witnesses despise the catholic faith?.
JW VS Catholic
by Iamallcool inmost of us know that jw despise the catholic church the most among many religions for many years.
my question is do catholic church despise jw as much as the witnesses despise the catholic faith?.
The catholic church thinks all faiths that are not catholic are missing the total picture .
Jws, [to the catholic church], like many other forms of christianity are not 100%, they take only portions of the bible or the deposit of faith [as the catholics call it] to have a religion.
JWs on the other hand feel every other faith is dead.
It's right there in our faces, how could we NOT see it?
by NikL ini know there have been many many posts on here over the years on the deity of jesus.. i am submitting this one because i am feeling a little confused.. the thing is, i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer and i know this.
so when i am going through my bible reading (to all you haters, yes i still do it) i see so many scriptures that just fly in the face of everything the jws teach about jesus.. i begin to wonder if indeed i am diseased in the mind ,as they will try to paint me, because it seems so plain to me.. i never even gave it a though growing up as to if jesus and god were equal.
i just didn't.. now when i read scriptures like philippians 9.... 9 for this very reason, god exalted him to a superior position+ and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name,+ 10 so that in the name of jesus every knee should bend—of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground+— 11 and every tongue should openly acknowledge that jesus christ is lord+ to the glory of god the father.. .
With overwhelming biblical evidence contradicting the WTS position in every book of the New Testament, how else could NOT seeing the real truth be explained other than conditioning against what the bible actually says?
The WTS goes to extreme measures to 'teach' what the bible really says, without actually letting one learn what the bible actually teaches.......weird.
I have found that every single scriptural example that the WTS provides to prove their position is null and voided within the very chapter of their proof verse.
It has been explained over and over again, many times
cognitive dissonance
Everyday expressions used by JWs that are NOT in the bible...
by stuckinarut2 inreading another thread made me realise that there are numerous expressions used as everyday witness terminology, that is not in the bible.... such as:.
governing body.
paradise earth.
lying for the truth
aka- theocratic warfare
Anyone know what this sculpture is of the "torture stake?"
by charity7 inhey guys!
i'm new on this site and am a non jw here married to a jw.
my husband's family are active members and they daily post articles on facebook from which i know is meant for me to see and read.
Fisherman- could you elaborate? I don't follow your logic
Anyone know what this sculpture is of the "torture stake?"
by charity7 inhey guys!
i'm new on this site and am a non jw here married to a jw.
my husband's family are active members and they daily post articles on facebook from which i know is meant for me to see and read.
I agree cha ching, The WTS has a lot of spin on very little substance. When you look closely, you are hard pressed to find real WTS fruits.
Restoring Gods name? Door to door evangelization? Stake over a cross?
How are these things fruits?
Fruits help all people of the world, like schools and universities. Hospitals and old age homes, shelters and food banks. Things that help all people always gives glory to God because Christians believe that we are all made in Gods image,
What has the WTS given to all people because we are made in Gods image?
Didn't G. Jackson tell the ARC that JW's don't smack their kids?
by Splash inthe wt book "family life" (1978) had something to say on this topic:.
*** fl chap.
10 pp.
i forget which bible verse exactly, but I do remember reading
" the letter if the law is death and the spirit of the law is life."
What are some of the best movies ,musical catergory you have seen .
by smiddy insome that come to mind for me.. seven brides for seven brothers.
How bout 'The blues brothers'?
My wife would suggest 'Grease'
My kids would suggest 'Home School Musical' bad, 'High school Musical' lol
Funny event at the Memorial celebration
by DaPriest infor this award, i would like to nominate something that happened in berlin south english, again.we all have seen people that try to disrupt the memorial celebration, and this is not amusing at all.
its quite sad.
what is amusing is when the disruption occurs from incident occurred once, when a brother was passing the bread around.
I agree Zeb. Sabotaging a religious service is in poor taste no matter what the faith...
That said, For those of us who believe in the teachings of Jesus and the bible as the inspired word of God, the JW memorial is tough to take.
When reading of the biblical verses stating that Jesus said to "do this in memory of me" and the whole of the JW memorial is taught/instructed to deny yourself [and others] of Jesus. That always seemed odd to me.
God hates liars
by Lady Lee inquotes are from the 2005 wt cd red text is mine
the wts claims to be the sole source of god's truth on earth today.
truth is so important to them that they even use the term "truth" as a name for their teachings.
Blast from the past.
I always hated the term that my uber elder brother told me many years ago.......
I still cringe when I remember him saying
"We call it 'lying for the truth'".
The whole concept of contradiction was lost in translation as they say.
Now a days it's called "Theocratic Warfare" but isn't that still lying for the Truth?