Posts by TTWSYF
ok, I really don't believe MY last post -
I say ask her about the JW faith.
Ask her about lying for the truth.
Ask her about millions living now will never die.
Ask her about Jesus being invisibly present since 1914.
Ask her about Jesus being the angel Michael.
Ask her about Jesus bodily resurrection as a spirit being.
Ask her about the whole of JW history and both of you research and maybe you'll wake her up.
Divine Name in the First Century
by freemindfade induring the watchtower today while there was so much pontificating on the first century christian movement, i was wondering what would happen i asked your run of the mill r&f how paul and others would have been pronouncing the divine name?....
yes god's name, something witnesses claim was so critical.
but the absolute fact of the matter is that no christian was saying the name jehovah at all, period.
Really, I always thought God's name was Velhim or William in english. Anyway, that's what Jesus told me. Only HE can tell you the father's name. ...uhmm, he did tell me not to tell anyone though...... -
Went to a Catholic Funeral Today
by Captain Schmideo2 init was for a dear friend of the family that i have known all my, bear in mind that i was born and raised jw, so my experience with catholic ceremonies can be counted on three fingers, a wedding, a "regular" mass, and this funeral mass.once they got down to the actual speaking about the deceased, i felt emotionally involved, but prior to that, i was watching and had questions about aspects of the services (these i have seen in common for all three times i have been in an rc church):why the "sing-song" voice during the prayers?
does god hear it better if you sound all spooky tenor?i observe that every time a reading from one of the gospels takes place, it is preceded by a big musical number:"alleluiah!
alleluiah"( "and nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's jesus!".
Thanks Truthseeker. I've never been to a JW funeral, but I think that could be a possibility someday. Hoping no though. Is EVERY social event a recruiting drive? -
Went to a Catholic Funeral Today
by Captain Schmideo2 init was for a dear friend of the family that i have known all my, bear in mind that i was born and raised jw, so my experience with catholic ceremonies can be counted on three fingers, a wedding, a "regular" mass, and this funeral mass.once they got down to the actual speaking about the deceased, i felt emotionally involved, but prior to that, i was watching and had questions about aspects of the services (these i have seen in common for all three times i have been in an rc church):why the "sing-song" voice during the prayers?
does god hear it better if you sound all spooky tenor?i observe that every time a reading from one of the gospels takes place, it is preceded by a big musical number:"alleluiah!
alleluiah"( "and nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's jesus!".
What are JW funerals like? Not respectful? -
Went to a Catholic Funeral Today
by Captain Schmideo2 init was for a dear friend of the family that i have known all my, bear in mind that i was born and raised jw, so my experience with catholic ceremonies can be counted on three fingers, a wedding, a "regular" mass, and this funeral mass.once they got down to the actual speaking about the deceased, i felt emotionally involved, but prior to that, i was watching and had questions about aspects of the services (these i have seen in common for all three times i have been in an rc church):why the "sing-song" voice during the prayers?
does god hear it better if you sound all spooky tenor?i observe that every time a reading from one of the gospels takes place, it is preceded by a big musical number:"alleluiah!
alleluiah"( "and nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's jesus!".
The singing songs were probably the psalms of David. They are always sung I think in keeping with the Jewish traditions. They try to sing anyway, not exactly top 10 melodies -
"I just don't like being lied to"
by stuckinarut2 inso i dropped this comment to someone from "my" congregation...... "i just don't like being lied to".... this was in response to their attempt to become my 'bff' (i'm sarcastically using the expression 'best friends forever' here).
i ran into them in the street.
they started chatting all about the cong gossip, teachings, upcoming witness events etc.... i was just quiet and not really contributing to the conversation.. when she asked "so what's new with you?
of course, I don't mean any disrespect to former/current JWs, just witnessing to the truth of what this CULT has driven people to do [or maybe not do] -
"I just don't like being lied to"
by stuckinarut2 inso i dropped this comment to someone from "my" congregation...... "i just don't like being lied to".... this was in response to their attempt to become my 'bff' (i'm sarcastically using the expression 'best friends forever' here).
i ran into them in the street.
they started chatting all about the cong gossip, teachings, upcoming witness events etc.... i was just quiet and not really contributing to the conversation.. when she asked "so what's new with you?
No one LIKES being lied to. It's amazing how many of us will accept it though even though we do not like it.
This issue is by far MY biggest with the WTS. To call something the TRUTH and then to promote 'Lying for the Truth' just boggles the mind. And that people will blindly accept such a thing and go door to door promoting it is beyond mind boggling.
just mho
I've just been disfellowshipped!
by maksutov inapparently it was announced last night.
i was not informed (for 'legal reasons'), but they phoned my dad and told him.
i understand it is due to my apostate book.
Born in JW AND wrote a book exposing the cult? Balls of steel. Good for you. Very sorry about the inevitable fallout. What does your family say? -
For God/Truth Seekers Only!
by Nicola.threeangelsmessage infor the past three years, my husband and i have been watching these sermons by remarkable worldwide speakers.
the biblical truths we have learnt from their presentations, in such a short period of time most definitely tip the scales compared to the truth the led me to believe i had for over 20 plus years of my life.
thanks to these videos, we have now found the truth and the truth is jesus christ (john 14:6).
Half banana16 hours ago
TTWSF, The Bible is an old collection of texts. First collated in the fourth century CE and therefore it might be said to be “historical” in its appearance in time. This does not make it historical in the sense that it is a ”history”, far from it! It is a collection of texts much doctored and edited to suit the propaganda of the users of the books even before their inclusion into the Bible by the Catholic Church. The source documents and stories for the Bible are mainly pagan and do not qualify to make a historian’s account of what is a proper historical record. This is because they are derivative and are not first-hand records by reliable witnesses.
Again, I respectfully disagree.
The 4th century confirmation of the books of the bible simply confirmed most of the books that were confirmed in the 1st and 2nd century. There is a copy of the gospel of John [fragments of a copy anyway] that dates with in 40 years of John's death. Also there were guidelines that were followed while compiling the bible. One was that the book had to be ancient. It had to be something that could be traced back historically. That is why books like the gospel of Mary or the gospel of Peter, gospel of Judas, etc. These books were not old enough to be considered.
Just saying.........that I believe the bible is the word of God