Some of my observations include
1] Overwhelming commitments by the org itself prevent some from having the time to research truth. And may make folks too tired to research.
2]Total and overwhelming love bombing about the org lets others feel ok about guilting anyone who has the inclination to research the truth.
3]And this is the most important in my mind, the [liminal and subliminal] teaching or training of shutting down mentally whenever any negative thought about the org enters the mind.
This happens to everyone on the org, and simple knowing the truth about the truth [TTATT] is not enough. You must remove observation 3 before you can acknowledge the truth.
My elder brother [like many posters] would say that Jesus quote "' you know a tree by its fruit' and the JWs are the only ones going door to door restoring the true name of God" all know the line, But when I told him that going door to door was a work and not a fruit he could only reply over and over that "those are fruits, those are fruits."
No dear brother, those are not fruits and you need to address observation #3 before acknowledging that works are not fruits because then, very quickly, you would see that there are no fruits and you never would have joined or been baptized in the org or anything else org related.