Acluetofindtheuser5 days ago5 days ago
I was told by an elder many years ago that I should invest in the 401k plan on my first job that had one. I said, "Isn't the end so near that we won't be needing a retirement savings?" He said, "You need to save for retirement just in case the paradise is way off in the distant future ." He's still in but he's too old to have elder duties anymore
Sounds like this old elder guy realized that the booklet "Millions of people living now will never die" had a magazine cover picture of dead people. Everyone on that mag cover died.
Follow Wasanelder's advice
Wasanelder Once5 days ago5 days ago5 days ago5 days ago5 days ago5 days ago5 days ago5 days ago
Current Jehovah's Witnesses pay close attention! This will be your fate if you don't accept the reality that the future they promise you is a man made control scam. Get out!