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it’s my understanding that everything you have would be considered “apostate material “.
The Father and the Son may not ever change, but “Jehovahs sole mouthpiece” changes with the times.
so, here i am going through boxes and boxes of old wt literature.
i’m stacking it up from 1940’s to 1990’s.
i also have quite a few gems, like one 1917 studies in the scriptures.
Sell for $$.
it’s my understanding that everything you have would be considered “apostate material “.
The Father and the Son may not ever change, but “Jehovahs sole mouthpiece” changes with the times.
It’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil, not money itself.
just saying…cause it’s true
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
Blotty and Earnest,
Apologies to you both as I stand corrected!
You are right that Dr Jason BeDugh does in fact endorse the NWT as a 'remarkably good' translation AND 'is 'better by far' than some of the other translations. The fact remains that he is not an authority on biblical translations. Please read below..
I was shocked to find that a biblical scholar would endorse the NWT.....then, I researched a little on Dr Jason BeDugh and found that he has no languages degree in his studies of religions. Dr Jason DeBugh is no scholar of biblical translations.
According to his own CV
Bachelor of arts U of Illinois in [all] religious studies which does not require any biblical languages.
Master of Theological Studies from Harvard and again, a course of studies which does not require proficiency in any of the biblical languages.
He then got his PhD from Indiana U in comparative studies of religions.
Dr BeDugh has admitted on his own that he is NOT an expert on Greek or any other biblical language. So his endorsement is rather hollow.
Dr BeDugh IS a leader in Gnosticism which denies the deity, death and resurrection of Jesus.
In his school he teaches pagan courses like Ancient Gods and Goddesses and was the editor of the Gnostic World.
So, his views do align with WTS teachings, but endorsing an accurate translation from Greek to the NWT is nothing short of fraud for a scholar of religions as opposed to a scholar of Biblical languages.
You won't find a biblical scholar EVER endorsing the NWT. Keep searching! Sorry, but you know the rest.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
cherry picking a particular positive comment in an ocean of negatives, does not an endorsement make.
I agree that the Greek inter-linear is true and accurate, somehow, although, that doesn’t translate into the New World translation. Dr. Jason Bedugh never endorses the New World translation.
Again, sorry, but those are the facts.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
No scholarly organization including any college or university considers the NWT as an accurate translation. Sorry, just the facts.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
peacefulpete : All of these forms however referred to 'Christ' as God.
Most of them I agree. However, there were a number of Jewish Christian movements which did not recognise his divinity.
I wonder where these Jewish Christian movements which did not recognize Jesus’s divinity ended up? I wonder if anyone can remember what fruits that they gave humanity with their views on Christ.
Did they think they had the truth and that they’d never die too?
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
Not that I have any scriptural support for this idea, but I had heard someone else mention that God created man to replace the fallen angels who lost their place in heaven.
Interesting thought…
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
Liam, like I wrote, if you believe the Bible, then we were created by AND for Jesus. (Scriptural proof above)
If you believe that a movie has the answers to creation, then your explanation works….
i think some of the points in the medical article below is spot on, especially the part about anxiety disorders.
after regularly subjecting yourself to wt fear mongering, how could that not elicit an anxiety disorder?.
mental health disorders that contribute to pathological lying.
People believe what is repeated to them over and over and over again …that is, if they don’t know better of course..