Blondie: Supposedly the manuscript dates back to 100 years after the death of the apostle John.
Posts by Adiva
60 Minutes last Sunday
by Adiva inlast sunday on 60 minutes they did a piece on the vatican library.
the library houses documents that go back 2000 years.
they have the earliest writing from 'the gospels', specifically the gospel of john.
60 Minutes last Sunday
by Adiva inlast sunday on 60 minutes they did a piece on the vatican library.
the library houses documents that go back 2000 years.
they have the earliest writing from 'the gospels', specifically the gospel of john.
Last Sunday on 60 Minutes they did a piece on the Vatican library. The library houses documents that go back 2000 years. They have the earliest writing from 'the gospels', specifically the gospel of John. The curator read John 1:1 from a very old manuscript and it says "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God." Unlike the NWT that says 'the word was with god'.
Wonder how many JWs caught that and said or did it go right over their heads?;lst;3
I'm just sayin'.
PACIFIC on Tsunami alert after biggest quake ever recorded hits Japan
by hamsterbait injapan was hit by a 30 metre wave after an 8.9 superquake.
10 metres is not 13 feet, as stated on another post, a metre is over three feet.. hawaii, phillipines and west coast of us on alert.. is anybody in the affected areas?.
And JW's all over the world are gleefully rubbing their hands together and thinking 'Armageddon' will be coming any day now. How sadly pathetic.
What Is the Name of Your Best Friend From School?
by snowbird insarah ann is the name of mine.. syl.
I never had a best friend at school. I didn't have any 'best' friends until I left the JWs. 25+ years later, they're still around.
What was the first single you ever bought, and what are your memories?
by lifelong humanist insome light relief!.
even now, i can vividly recall buying my very first 45 rpm single in 1967.. i was only just 15 years old.
i worked as a 'paper boy', delivering newspapers to people living nearby.
Santana Abraxas. Later, my older brother told me that I had to throw out the cover because it had a 'naked' woman on it.
I also remember buying the Police's Ghost in the Machine album and told by the same brother that the album had to go because of the word ghosts.
Sheesh. BTW, he's still an asshole.
Introducing myself
by Micaela inhi everyone.. i just wanted to introduce myself since i am new to the forum.
my name is micaela, i also go by mica.
i have been studying with the witnesses for some time and i attend meetings.
Hi Mica.
I want to reiterate Designs' comment about this forum. Many, perhaps most of us are former witnesses or even transitioning witnesses.
You talk about your children. I want you to consider them when making your decisions. I was raised a witness and I think I'd be one of many on this forum to tell you how miserable it is to be raised as one. No holidays, no birthday celebrations, no extra school activities, no friends aside from other witness children, no college and the list goes on. Many of us, once we left the witnesses experimented with things you've already dealt with, addictions and such. Many of us were suicidal because of the fear we felt from being told were going to die at Armageddon. Many of us are shunned by our families because the organization tells them they must since we no longer believe what the society says.
Mica, there is life away from the witnesses, a spiritual life with a great relationship with God. Not the all punishing, angry, I'll kill you if you call me by the wrong name god, but a god of acceptance and unconditional love.
Continue with your studies with the witnesses if you like but, make sure you know what life you're subjecting yourself, your husband and your children to.
Be Blessed.
ive been to hospital and had a biopsy taken from a lump in my breast today
by looloo ini was expecting to just get examined then told it was nothing to worry about but i also had a mamogram , then scan .
the lump i was worried about was ok but the scanner found one behind it that she was not sure about , she took a biopsy from it after i had a local anesthetic and sent me back to the doctor who told me i would now have to wait a week for those results !
when i had arrived i was told i would be told today if everything is ok !
I understand how you feel. I found a lump in my breast a couple of years ago and had it biopsied. Turned out to be benign but, that time of waiting to find out the results was probably the longest day(s) of my life. I hope it's nothing serious but as you've said, it's a good reminder to all us ladies to check those breasts!!
What music did you have to throw out when you was still in your teens?
by BlackTwisted ini was always curious lol.. .
well, i remeber i had to, wel lhonestly, i didn't listen to music too much when i was younger, just on the radio, and i had no choice ( i didn't have a computer then and i was about 11 at that time) so we got a computwer when i was about 13 (i am currently make myself sound old lol.
) and i remeber i was listemning to 3 6 mafia (a huge mistake) and my mom liked the instrumental.beat of the song, but i was playing it soo loud, she even heard the lyrics, and she told me to switch it to another i did..i switched to cascada's everytime we touch..o_o.. .
I had to throw out the first album I bought, Santa Abraxas because there was a 'naked' woman on the cover. Also, had to throw out the Police album Ghost in the Machine.
Foolish, foolish.
Bima -- Jewish Temple 'Platform'
by Adiva ini don't post here and very seldom say anything but would welcome comments.. i've been df'd and away for more than 25 years.
my husband is jewish and last year we joined a temple that we'd attended for high holidays for more 7 years.
so tonite we got a call asking if we would consider being a part of an upcoming service, just a sabbath or something.
Snowbird: I love your comment about loving all things Jewish. That's how I feel.
Moshe: I spoke with them about membership and they will let us renew for a much reduced rate.
It's a great temple, the oldest one in the midwest and very beautiful. Our Rabbi spoke about a conference call the president holds with other rabbi's and he gave a shout out to our temple (KAM Isaiah Israel) and mentioned how much he loves hearing the blowing of the Shofar at Rosh Hashana.
Yeah, I think we'll do it. We gon' represent!!
Bima -- Jewish Temple 'Platform'
by Adiva ini don't post here and very seldom say anything but would welcome comments.. i've been df'd and away for more than 25 years.
my husband is jewish and last year we joined a temple that we'd attended for high holidays for more 7 years.
so tonite we got a call asking if we would consider being a part of an upcoming service, just a sabbath or something.
I don't post here and very seldom say anything but would welcome comments.
I've been Df'd and away for more than 25 years. My husband is Jewish and last year we joined a Temple that we'd attended for High Holidays for more 7 years. So tonite we got a call asking if we would consider being a part of an upcoming service, just a Sabbath or something. We'd need to go up as a couple on the Bima (the stage) and either read a part of the Torah or open and/or close the Ark of the Covenant as part of the service.
I'm okay with it but I don't read Hebrew. We're not planning on renewing our membership because it could cost too much but, after all of these years of seeing other couples on the Bima and now, suddenly we're being invited, I'm torn. It's a great honor. I don't know of many that have been asked to be on the Bima and I'm tickled that we . . . a bi-racial are being asked to participate. Yeah, I'm Black.
Have they run out of people to be Sabbath particpants; is it statement since we are across the street from our current Presidents' Chicago residence?