My heart skipped a beat when I saw you. You were missed.
jw-media.org is strangely silent about the candace conti case.
they haven't said anything about it as of the time of this post.. i decided to call the media department at this number (718) 560-5600. i identified myself as a researcher who also has some websites.
i was asked for the web address of my website.
hello old friends, i've been thinking about going back and need you all to give me your thoughts on it.. the last year has been a horribe one for me, in the span of less than a year the following things have happened to me:.
lost my mom to cancergot hit by a carhad a professional set back that will cost over 600k to resolveended a three and a half year relationshipit just feels like every time i think things are going to get better something else hits me and knocks me down, a small part of me wonders wether i brought all these things on myself because i left the organization (yes i know how silly that sounds) and i have given serious thought about going back.
i need you guys to talk me out of it!.
Hi Lola.
I'm sorry these things are happening to you. But having stuff happen to you is part of life, part of living. The important thing is your response to what's happening, not assigning blame but, simple acceptance.
As far a going back is concerned, I tried going back 3 times, thinking that it would fill the void in my soul. It didn't. I felt empty. I would have to echo 'Headisspinning's words: Paying attention to MYSELF was the key. That's where I found the answers to my questions, that is where the 'truth' lies.
she needs your help winning the challenge detroit contest, please watch her video and vote for her entry:.
this is my big chance to get out of the jw mindset, if i could place in hands a pack of tarot cards!
anybody else the freaky about them!.
star tiger.
since nearly being consumed by witness mentality as an almost baptised member but thankfully due to my fantastic wifes scepticism toward it, i have now embarked on a voracious capacity for reading all the books that were once excluded from my list to get a total rounded out experience of life from the communist manifesto to atlas shrugged, wealth of nations, the age of reason, robert anton wilson, the koran and dare i say it mein kamf, the vedas, but i am still a bit frightened of the golden bough due to the residue of the jw's.
all knowledge must be good, i've read the bible and but it seem a bit meh!, all books have some interesting points, except the nazi one but it's good to read anything you can!.
anybody else obssesed with reading!!.
well.. i've been here for a few weeks but still feel like a relative newbie.
i just wanted to introduce myself as much as i'm able to.
i'm still 'in' so to speak although mentally 'out'.
as you may remember (if you were here to remember it), i stopped posting on this forum quite a while ago.
and let me tell you, what a great decision that was!
it has been great to move on from all this jw nonsense.
this is actually not a former witness or anything, this is a cracked style article.
i think it's pretty funny, i think it's evidence that the wt is not going to be around forever.
okay, so i am new to the site, but i have been following ur threads for awhile now, and i am finding great comfort in them!
no, i am not a witness and i have never been, and never will be!
i did however, date a witness for about three years.. it was our typical 357th biweekly 'man hating' girls night out, and meeting mr. right was the last thing on my mind!
Hi Madge.
I would want to know how he spends his time with her. Is he taking her around other jw family members? They will surely try to 'teach her the truth' even though he has said he won't. They will tell her birthdays and other holidays are bad and that her mommy will die at armageddon. They will scare the living daylights out of her.
Be very careful.