I remember a talk that was delivered at an assembly a while back that was repeated many times in my old hall and I remember it had a line in it that had one of those effects on people like they would go into a silent trance. If you were allowed to "Oooh!" or "Awe!" at the kingdom hall then that would be the kind of response that this would get.
Anyhow, the man on stage was talking about service. He was especially talking about all the wonderful things that happened when you went out in field service regularly. The word "Joy" was used a lot. Which, by the way, having been a witness all my life I now associate the word "Joy" with a whole lot of pain. Isn't that weird?
So the whole talk started to beat around the bush regarding the outlook on service, as if the speaker knew that service was an unpleasant thing... Until finally the brother dropped the bomb on the assembly hall and I quote, "If you don't like service... You are probably just doing it enough to hate it".
HOLY BALLS! (Also not allowed to say at kingdom hall)
Like a verbal whip he Indiana Jonesed the entire assembly hall into silent submission.
I seriously sat there and thought for just one PILLAR OF A SALT OF A SECOND and thought "maybe I hate going out in service because I am doing it just enough to hate it... maybe I should do it more and that will make me like it? Maybe I'll get really good at it and maybe it'll be easier?"
And then, what has probably already occured to you, but slam dunked the 700 or so people there at the assembly hall hit me...
I thought, "maybe I'm just going to work enough to hate it"...
"maybe I'm just getting my blood drawn enough to hate it"...
"maybe I'm just getting my teeth pulled out just enough to hate it"...
"maybe I'm just getting sand in my eyes just enough to hate it"...
"maybe I'm just getting yelled at just enough to hate it"...
"maybe I'm just doing >insert negative thing here< just enough to hate it"
You know... after I thought about, it started not to make any sense. So I honestly had a talk with a pioneer in my hall. I said, "Does service ever get any easier?" and she said "YES" immediately. Almost like she was saying "duh" to me.
Well I guess I was wrong... I was going out in service just enough to hate it. Crap.
But then something tragic happened that I'll never forget... her sister (who was MUCH shyer) she started to cry and she was shaking her head. She kept saying "no it doesn't". She couldn't stop crying. And the weird thing about it was that she was putting in just as many hours as her sister, they were pioneering together.
So here's my point in writing this. Why is shyness, just an excuse in the eyes of other Jehovah's Witnesses? In this world we have outgoing people and shy people and hell even the outgoing people hate doing the abnormal religious debating to hostile Saturday morning sleepers (who deserve to sleep in on the weekend).
Shyness isn't an excuse. Not liking service doesn't going away for some. God isn't blessing some and forsaking others for odd reasons. It just wouldn't make any sense.
I feel bad for every shy person who thinks that God is forgetting them, or that they aren't doing enough, or that they are bad. Who is ever going to stand up for them?
Or maybe I should just get used to them suffering.