Hi Flipper Mr Bumble here Any one who has read the first few chapters of genesis will clearly see that God has a an unaltered fixed purpose and as far as God is concerned it is accomplished. We as humans merely have to sit tight and watch it unfold in faith. It is true that in his word he has given peoples certain landmarks to give confidence in his purpose and i don't have a problem with people enjoying-sincere-
-speculation and 'getting it wrong' 'I do that myself,' providing it is only speculation and people have a right to disagree. However this is not the case with the WT org. their so called new light is absolute at the time and there is no room for discussion or debate, they view that as disloyal and diversive. They will only change it when the GB realise they have it wrong then comes 'The Double Talk'-'We are not- Inspired' It's Human Imperfection' 'Theocratic- Ajustment' 'Wrong Expectation' 'Tacking in the Wind,' more like p****** in the wind and blame any disapointment by the rank and file on a lack of faith because in their tiny minds and arrogance they believe they have a monopoly on God. I know this has all been said before please excuse me. They turn on their own and split families apart because of not agreeing with mere SPECULATION. When they get it wrong 'they are not inspired' When they think they are correct 'their spirit directed'.- 'DOUBLE TALK'. Iam not suggesting that individuals cannot receive Gods spirit of direction in their lives and that God would not reveal the progessive understanding of his word that may benefit others but it's not exclusive to any one person or religion and people have the right to enjoy their God given FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE to make up their own mind without bullying tactics from the org.or any individual.
Enjoyed your comments flipper as usual Mr.Bumble.