How sad.
I am going to put the "fun" in funeral. I think, a keg and some damn good stories would be appropriate when I hit the dust.
How sad.
I am going to put the "fun" in funeral. I think, a keg and some damn good stories would be appropriate when I hit the dust.
over the last 3 years i've gotten much faster at making a wt article look "studied".. .
how fast can you get one ready for inspection by snoopy elders and microphone handlers?.
I used to highlight randomly until my mother got wise to it. Then, I found that if I simply highlight part of the sentence nearest the scripture, I could easily fool her.
The thing that really bummed me out, is what all that preparation and "studying" did to my reading comprehension skills. I was in bad shape by the time I hit the real world. I had to read things so many times to get the point in college.
Just shows what too much garbage reading can do for you.
so this is inspired by my favorite poet edgar allen john doe!
sometimes we just need to say something completely goofy to relieve tension and have fun.
the pineapple king, with a feather in his hat and a spring in his step, finally helped the chicken cross the road!.
How's this for goofy:
"Send your fiance packing, he's not spiritual. Don't worry about the 8 children, Jehovah will provide."
take this 72 yes/no question test to find out..
I suspect INTJ is due to the culture of being "in". I find it difficult to imagine anyone once involved with the dubs wouldn't be "J" of some sort. "I" could be due to the fact we spent so much time being isolated from others. "NT", well pretty hard to leave a cult if you don't have some "NT".
take this 72 yes/no question test to find out..
I - 59%
N - 50%
T - 50%
J - 21%
hey everyone!.
) did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:.
) do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:.
Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey
A.) Name: (First name only please)
B.) Gender
C.) Age:
1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:
Parents/Grandparents/Relatives converted when you were young and taught you
2.) How did you leave the religion:
Stopped attending all at once
3.) What Age did you leave?
4.) Were you Baptized
5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:
Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachings, disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.
Felt the elders or organization abused their power, felt they took presidence over God, Problem with the way they organized the religion
Left because of the people (saw too much hypocracy, too much gossip, passed over for some leadership role, was treated badly by those in the hall.)
Depressed, Didn’t feel like doing all the things required of you, felt oppressed by the rules.
Other (Explain: _______________________________________________________________)
6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:
Believed there we more things wrong than right
7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?
8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?
9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:
I saw a few similarities between the religion and a cult
10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?
11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?
They are totally wrong
12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:
They are evil
13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:
They have more bad people than good people
14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:
Yes they are definitely a cult
15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :
They're intelligent but purposely deny facts for their religion
16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?
I think every day about how happy I am to have left
17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?
I do quite a few things they would not agree with
18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:
Discuss their religion with them and take whatever they want to place, I remember being like that
19.) Would you consider returning?
If I ever see another Kingdom Hall it would be too soon
20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:
It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up
please feel free to contribute any experience you may have on dishonest tricks jws use to put their fallacious, moronic agenda across.
i have not touched upon 'red herrings' and 'circular arguments' below:.
the best way to ge through to a jw is to pray for him.
I always loved:
"Jehovah is god and created us."
me - "Oh, and how can you prove this?"
"The bible tells us."
me - "And how did god come to exist?"
"The bible shows us he's always been, alpha-omega."
me - "So, how do we know the bible is true?"
"The bible is the word of god and is inspired, it says it right here, in the bible."
me - "So, the bible is the word of god because it says so in the bible?"
"You need more faith."
hey everyone.
another idea came to me tonight while discussing the pew forum survey about how only 37% of jehovah's witnesses remain in the religion from childhood.
the recent watchtower article where it says the majority of people who leave the religion do so in order to commit sin was brought up predictably.
Name: (First name only please) Michael
Gender: (Male, Female) Male
Age: 41
Start of the Questions:
How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses: (Born in, Parents converted at early age, converted early in life, converted in your 20's, converted in your 30's, converted later in life) Mother converted at early age, I was 5.
How did you leave the religion: (Disfellowshipped, Disassociated, Faded Away, Left Outright) Faded
What Age did you leave?: 23
Were you Baptized: (Yes, No) Yes
What General reason did you leave the religion: (Fornicated, Drugs, Wanted more Freedom, Didn't Believe it was Truth, Depressed, Felt overwhelmed with all the things you needed to do, Other *Please Explain*) Wanted more Freedom, Didn't Believe it was Truth, Depressed, Felt overwhelmed with all the things you needed to do, the hypocrisy made me revolted.
How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving: (Believed whole-heartedly, Believed for the most part, didn't think about it, had doubts, felt it had alot of wrongs, felt it was completely wrong) Had doubts
Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?: (Yes, No) No, I held it in and left quietly.
If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place? (Yes, No) N/A
Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving? (Yes, No) Yes
What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving? (It is still truth, There are some problems, There are alot of problems, They are totally wrong) They are totally wrong
How do you feel about the organization since leaving?: (They're God's channel, They're a good organization overall, They have some problems, There are alot of problems, They are Totally wrong, They are evil) They are evil
How do you feel about the people since leaving?: (They're God's chosen people, They're great people, They have a few problems, They have alot of problems, They're hypocrites, They're completely blind, They're misguided but great people, They're evil people) Just like other demographics, there are some who are hypocrites, some misguided but good, and some evil.
How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?: (I Hate talking about my time as a Jehovah's Witness, I dislike talking about my upbringing but will if prompted, It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up, I bring it up occasionally, I bring it up frequently, I talk about it constantly) I talk about if asked about or if something comes up in conversation.
i know there has been threads on jw's using facebook, i thought i would post some responses from jw community i got in an email.. .
this was presented for discussion.. .
a co in our area (rochester) said that there would be no one being.
The new generation of JWs are going to have it hard. Their whole world revolves around instant communication and social networks. There is a rebellion stirring in the ranks. It's only a matter of time ...
Shawn, while I agree with the sentiment, I have to say I find it hard to believe a high-control cult will fade. :( We can always hope, though.
i know there has been threads on jw's using facebook, i thought i would post some responses from jw community i got in an email.. .
this was presented for discussion.. .
a co in our area (rochester) said that there would be no one being.
Reportedly, many pedophiles use such Web sites to find their victims.
Me thinks they may be concerned meeting attendance will fall off if the pedophiles are too busy on line to make the KingDumb Hell.