I have 2 large tattoos on my lower legs. I like them, they cover up well. But I can't wear shorts sometimes (corporate outings). However, I'd get another one, and it would have to be easily concealed. I have a friend who had his neck and side of his face tattooed. He regrets it. He said it's nearly impossible to find work with the thing, he drives garbage big-rigs.
JoinedPosts by TardNFeatheredJW
Tattoo - Regret it or love it?
by mythreesons ini've been mulling over "getting ink done".
anybody here have any thoughts.
do you regret it?
Who Moved My Cheese?
by mrsjones5 ini'm reading this book 'who moved my cheese?
' and i like it.
i have friends who are the mice (which i think if funny) and i think i've been hem for too long and now want to be haw.. has anyone read this book and what did you think of it?.
Corporations will tell him exactly what they are looking for, and he will write the book. It is then used to indoctrinate employees with ideas and to encourage them to be a certain type of worker. On the surface, it seems wonderful and empowering. Underneath, it is an attempt for an employer to control thinking and attitude.
Sound familiar? I once read a magazine like that. I think it was called Watchtower or Awake or some other lame drivel.
As for book placement in stores, publishers pay extra for position in a bookstore.
Like I said, it's been 12 years since I read the book, but yeah... Good point about it being written for a specific purpose at the direction of a corporation. Social engineering at its finest.
For those that are and have been married,did the JW lifestyle aggravate "typical" marital and family problems?
by miseryloveselders ini ask this in consideration of last week's and this week's congregation bible study which focuses on the responsibilities of christian parents, and husbands.
i also ask this in harmony with itscrap&theyknowit's thread which is a heluva opening post by the way.
i linked it below for those that aren't familiar with it.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/206133/1/why-i-eventually-left.
The root of my anger is not the bs that is JW. The root of my anger is the damage that it does to the family. Interpersonal relationships are difficult enough without having to induce pressure to get married to a 'fine upstanding brother/sister' who turns out to be a louse. Add to this the impossible schedule mandated by personal study, meeting prep time, failed service, meeting nights (including getting dressed, socializing, and commuting), and no privacy (Sister Bleedsalot had her period again, so she missed the meeting. sad to be that weak...), it really screws up family life.
If church causes stress, anger, jealousy, and arguments then it isn't worth a s**t. When the elders came to my house and told me that my wife dressed too provactively, I was already ready to quit. I told them I can't control someone else's perversions and they should get a life. It wasn't long after that I quit. We ended up divorced later, as we were totally incompatible in life, but it wasn't the fault of religion, or lack of, that we split. If we were to stay together for some god, it would have just been a miserable life anyway.
May 15 WT sisters support your husband.....or else!
by hoser inthe new study watchtower page 9 explains how sisters should be happy to be servants to their elder husbands.. "co-operate in financial matters".
"joyful to see her husband active in the congregation".
if he makes a decision you disagree with "she displays a quiet and mild spirit and cooperates with him to make his decision work".
They do have a nice way with words. So much better than "Shut the f*** up, and bake me a pie, b****" like gramps used to say.
last day at the kingdom hall
by ex-Special Pioneer inprologue.
get out shouted the audience you must be ashamed of yourself.
the crowd was in a hysterical state, every time that we tried to say something we were silenced by the clapping and screams which got louder and louder of the majority of the two hundred people in attendance.
I'm neither DF or DA, but should I determine to DA myself, I'll gladly show to the meeting to hear the announcement. Might even say a few words, haha.
I have seen 'apostates' get tackled once at an assembly, when the apostates stood up and started shouting "IT'S ALL LIES! YOU ARE BEING DECEIVED!" They were tackled very quickly by a horde of brothers and physically, forcefully dragged and ejected from the stadium. Could it happen in a KH? I don't see why not, if the fervor is properly stoked.
Who Moved My Cheese?
by mrsjones5 ini'm reading this book 'who moved my cheese?
' and i like it.
i have friends who are the mice (which i think if funny) and i think i've been hem for too long and now want to be haw.. has anyone read this book and what did you think of it?.
I have that book, too. It was given to everyone in my department at work. I read it. Unfortunately, the cheese moved to China and Mexico, so now several starving mice are looking for new cheese. I was lucky, my cheese hunting skills are very sharp.
I did read it, and I thought it was okay. This was about 12 years ago, so now that you mention it, I think I'll give it another read.
May 15 WT sisters support your husband.....or else!
by hoser inthe new study watchtower page 9 explains how sisters should be happy to be servants to their elder husbands.. "co-operate in financial matters".
"joyful to see her husband active in the congregation".
if he makes a decision you disagree with "she displays a quiet and mild spirit and cooperates with him to make his decision work".
"Remember, he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him."
Rarely does reading something cause physical discomfort in me. That article is the exception.
Car inspection woes
by Terry ini'm sure texas isn't much different from any other state.. we want clean air.
so, the auto manufacturers came up with a glorified box of charcoal that "filters" out the pollutants (simultaneously making the energy output less efficient requiring yet more fuel) called a catalytic converter.. most cars' converter lasts about 10 years.. .
i'm driving a honda accord from 1998. the coverter has given up the ghost and i don't pass the nox tests.. so.... i can't renew my registration and have to spend about $1700 to replace that stupid box of charcoal.. .
A quick search of Autozone shows universals (not compatible with CA emissions) at about $90. Factory fit are between 300 and 400, depending on your engine (4 or 6 cyl). The position of the O2 sensor is different on different converters.
To remove the converter is against federal law, last I heard (maybe different now) the fine was $40k if a shop hollows it or bypasses. I'm not sure if it's illegal in your state for the private owner to remove or not, but why would you want to? The car is designed to run with the cat. It's actually a bigger hassle to bypass (having done this myself many years ago) than it is to remove/replace with an aftermarket factory fit cat. It should be bolt-in, so lots of PB Blaster, and about 1/2 hour of time. Get an exact-fit, soak the bolts with blaster, remove the 02 sensor, remove bolts, put new cat in place (use new gaskets), secure with bolts (you can use hi-temp anti-seize to make it easier next time), tighten bolts, coat 02 sensor THREADS(!!!) with anti-seize, and tighten everything up. No big deal, it's way easier than trying to fit a straight pipe or universal cat. And cheaper than a car payment.
Now, consider... Why did it fail? I have cars 20 yrs old+ that still have factory cats. Did you have a check-engine light? Running rich? (a bad 02 sensor can make a car run rich and destroy a cat in a few miles). Was it just rotted out? Short trips, incomplete warm-up phases destroy exhaust systems due to condensation build up that never clears out.
Best of luck to you. Only fools go to dealerships for maintenance, if you really don't want to do it yourself then call around to local shops or buy the part and see if you can get a shop to install it.
Were you Stalked or Chased After Once you Exited the JW's by Elders ?
by flipper ini tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after i exited in late 2003 .
the first several years they didn't bother me.
i ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me i was wrong for stopping attending meetings.
I was. They actually came to my house and were peering in the windows, which I had covered with verticle blinds. I had house on a hill, not exactly something you'd walk by and accidentally peer into.
I answered the door to their knocking, they asked if they could come in, then said "We already know you have a christmas tree set up."
Have your views on gays changed over the years?
by laverite insome questions....feel free to answer any or all of these.
have your views of gay people changed over the years?
do you have or have you ever had gay friends?
Wow. I don't see why people shouldn't be gay. I'm pretty happy most of the time.
OH... You meant "THAT" gay...
well, no. I never cared if 2 or more consenting adults have that life, its their life. Gay bashing always pissed me off, when I was JW and since. I have met a few gay people that I like, and I've met a few that were real assholes. Probably the same demographic cross section as straight people.
Judging someone based on whether they are more comfortable with the hole or the pole or both is just plain ignorant and stupid.