Laverite: I am not entirely sure of your location on the planet. Here in the UK the Mental Health Act August 2008 reviewed the rights of Health Practioners like myself.
It was discussed at our Medical Conference in Bournemouth in November of the same year. One of the cases discussed was that of a female JW from Telford Shropshire who died post partum, had gone into coma but carried a card, a "living will" expressly forbidding the use of blood. The case was publicized widely here. The Surgeons could do nothing under UK law to override that.
HOWEVER, UK law now provided that Medics., like myself, can make professional judgment if we feel that a patient is not of sound mind.. and we will be backed in court should the case in question be brought there. This is a complete turn around.. it is up to the individual to carry and express their consent now, when they are of "sound mind".. I think you will find that this is what precipitated the WT action with members of their congregations.
The UK is now gravitating towards cards that expressly forbid the use of donor organs.. and I believe it will shortly be the case that we will be given the right to use body parts in vital surgery unless it is the "living Will" of the patient that this is expressly forbidden.
This is not just a JW issue. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Podo