Jehovah's Witnesses---A Religion That Does Nothing For Anyone

by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The reality is: Jehovah's Witnesses benefit no one but themselves!

    They don't contribute to society. They refuse to get involved in local interests because that would constitute violating their neutrality.

    If sexual abuse allegations are made amongst their members, unless two witnesses can attest to the molestation, they refuse to get the "superior authorities" involved.

    They claim to be doing their neighbors a "life saving" work but the reality is that they simply are pests to their "householders".

    They are a tax free "religion" and they do not pay taxes.

    They are judgmental people and regard the "world" as "worldly" and in the "power of the wicked one".

    And if the individual members do not conform to the Organization's dictates, they might very well be "shunned" and regarded as "dead".

    Why anyone would want to be a Jehovah's Witness is beyond me.

  • serenitynow!

    You are forgetting that they keep the people who make the ugly "little house on the prairie" dresses working.

  • daniel-p

    They dont even benefit themselves. They leach off themselves and likewise leech off society. If their work is so lifesaving, why is it not that important to complete the circuit of cities or whatever?

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    Do as I say not as I do, but point that out and you lose your family and "friends."

    "Use your bible trained conscience unless that conflicts with what we tell you to think and do. You cannot interperate the scriptures anyway without us so its actually not your conscience its ours and we'll be happy to tell you what to do with it. Do you have any service time this month by the way?"

  • sherah

    They don't provide charitable assistance toward their own members in need unless it will benefit the Org directly i.e natural disasters.

    They cast out longtime full time members from their headquarters after they used them up without pension or medical benefits.


    The reality is: Jehovah's Witnesses benefit no one but themselves!....Minimus

    I`ll have to disagree..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s..Don`t benifit..Jehovah`s Witness`s ..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t benifit "anyone",except the WBT$..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are a Monetary Black Hole for the WBT$..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina

    Minimus, you hit the nail on the head!! hit the nail on the head

    Serenity Now, "You are forgetting that they keep the people who make the ugly "little house on the prairie" dresses working..."

    I thought that was the Southern Baptists!!!

    Zid angel devil on a seesaw

  • minimus

    IF JWs really had "life saving" abilities, you would think they'd be worried about bloodguilt. Instead of driving around the block looking for not-at-homes, they should be out dilligently converting potential cultists.

  • WTWizard

    They do something for us all. They pollute for worldly people--driving around, creating all that littera-trash, heating and cooling those Kingdumb Hells (which are notoriously inefficient), and generating trash from all those McDonald's trips creates lots of pollution. Plus, they waste people's time at the doors--forcing them to disrupt their activities (and often wasting energy letting heated or cooled air out the front door) so they can get death threats unless they join the cancer.

    For the members, they do something--they ruin lives. They will take children in the prime years, and teach them rubbish. They are made to fear demons, when demons are actually nothing more than angels that value their freedom. They are made afraid of normal activities: Christmas and birthdays, saluting the flag, and doing things after school that involve school are all made to look wicked. They lack normal cues that differentiate one period from another. They are prepared to pio-sneer, forgoing college and opportunities to make money. And, if they are ever offered a high-paying job that gives them a little something to look forward to, someone will come up with a flimsy excuse as to why it will stumble someone else, and they are forced to refuse it.

  • mindmelda

    My twenty year old daughter, when she was much younger and I was still half heartedly attending meetings would say to me, "They have no right to bitch about all the problems in the world when they won't lift one finger to change or help, and they actually want it to get worse!"

    That was one thing that I had no defense for, so I didn't even try. Wishing misery on others so they can have their precious paradise, it's disgusting.

    My daughter is a smart girl...she saw some of this crap before I did. I quit making her go to meetings when she was about 10, she'd already had enough and I was about there myself.


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