@Essan: I offer my apologies again....
I tried to reason that a Jew, a Christianized Jew, in the first century, would not have 2000 years of Trinitarian infighting to cloud his reading of Psalm 2. Likewise, I do not read the Hebrew Scriptures with such confusion. Which version of the Trinity do you refer to? Godrulz, spars constantly on this front.
Psalm 2, surely refers to the Almighty addressing his "Son" as a separate being. It is so simple.
@Johndough: I find your address MUGWUMPESQUE (new word invented by me today (open to challenges)) I refused to be drawn into scornful and supercillious comments about individuals. I have printed elsewhere, that the Trinitarian logic, spins around approximately 25 individual texts, all of which can be read (in English) several ways. Only one text in my view, holds any weight behind the Trinitarian viewpoint... and that is John 20:28. This text has at least 3 plausible interpretations.
I do read my Bible, am intensely (fault) spiritual... have recently been to the top of Mt. Sinai to find peace with my late Mother and my Creator. I did that exactly 40 years to the day of my baptism in Christ. So, please do not speak to me scornfully.
Your contribution towards my understanding of Psalm 2 would be welcomed.
Why Psalm 2? Because I offer this as one of the many Psalms that I feel prove that Jehovah is NOT Jesus... which is the theme of this thread.
@godrulz: I was reared as a Pentecostal and have frequent, in depth discussion with my local Pentecostal Pastor... Des Moreton.. now if you are truly Pentecostal.... you should recognise that name... he was on tour last year as star of a film, made about his book. I believe he toured mainly in the East Coast, mid West area of the U.S. with his dear wife Rosalee.
Here's hoping this lot posts!