Godrulz: I do not hold to any religious affiliation. However, I do describe myself as a Spiritual man. On the dawn of April 25th as the Kestrels soared and the sun rose over Mount Sinai, I kissed my hand and held it to the rock and placed my Mother in the loving care of our Creator. I had conducted a hybrid service for a wonderful lady who was robbed of faith at the age of 15. At that time she witnessed her 4 1/2 year old sister severed in half by an army truck returning from the battle of Dunkirk.
She was nominally Church of England but died an Atheist.
What hope is there for her?
You have not directed me to any "Church" or "Organisation" that comes anywhere near your view of Life after Death... neither do you attempt to define "Paradise" as promised to the Evildoer at the right hand side of the impaled Jesus.
Jesus is NOT the Yahweh of the OT. There is no OT, just the Hebrew Scriptures. The canon of the Bible is a continued theme, not to be split into Old and New.
I was comfortable sitting with Muslims and all sorts of Christians as well as the skeptical on Sinai.. for in the Middle East... everyone views Sinai as the sacred place where it all began.. there is Universal agreement.
Let God decide our destiny.
My mother is in his loving hands.... not tormented in a lake of fire. How cruel a concept.