Imperfect men, indeed SfPW: From sad experience, I can assure you that the UK branch is full of Elitism and favouritism amongst the Committee and the Rank and File. All you are seeing is the Watchtower, Publishing Wheel doing full circle... constantly producing "New Light" . It is like turning around a Super Tanker in shallow waters. By the time the correct course has been set, the observers are bored and are quickly distracted by other manoeuvres.
This is not the Way of Life I knew.. It wasn't a "Religion" then... and in the past 30 years, "The Tanker" has turned away from the "route" I chose to follow. The old "Truth" is now a lie!... why did I preach such falsehood to others... and how can the "Golden Oldies" stand by and accept such alterations without question? Beats me. I walked away... disillusioned