"And what would you base that on? Forget Trump for a second, a lot of the nonsense in place that he is using or abusing was put there by the "Giver" American left. I think everyone is terrified of Trump for breaking down government not increasing its overreach. I do believe many want to live in that controlled "utopia" where harm is reduced because people just can't be trusted. Not me".
Are you keeping up with current events? This administration is exactly overreaching. He is not breaking down government, and frankly anyone who says I want a job in government so I can break it down is selling snake oil. You may not realize, but the government is actually supposed to by employed by we the people, and would be if everyone was informed and engaged. What's wrong with giving? We are the boss. The only difference between right and left, is that the right gives to the top, and the left works to give to the people. Since Reagan they've convinced those on the right to work against their own interests, and for the actual elite. The top one or point one percent.