It's amazing what two units of someone elses blood can do for you.
Looks like I have officially disassociated myself
by Berengaria 85 Replies latest members private
??? - does this mean that you have become a daughter of the darkness, Beks?
compound complex
Be well, dear Ber!
Thank you CoCo
Well James, I think I would have had to enjoy it to be a D of the D.
Please tell us more, Beks.
Hope the blood wasn't donated by a robber because you may feel an irresistible urge to steal! Seriously, I hope you are doing well.
NVR, I was worried that I might start thinking Rush Limbaugh made sense!
Hey - are you ok Beks?
Well James, I think I would have had to enjoy it to be a D of the D.
Actual enjoyment is not required - was there any moaning and groaning involved? That would qualify...
Well Heather, being a woman, I occasionally bleed. By Fri afternoon I had lost so much blood, that I started to pass out, knees buckled world spins etc. Hubby took me to the emergency room and they took tests, so on and so on. I guess normal Hemoglobin levels are 12-15, they start talking transfusion at 8. Mine was 7.5. So odd, my first reaction to the suggestion of a transfusion was automatically NO. What else can we do?
But by the time of my next test, I was at 5 and I felt like I was going to die, and frankly thought dying might not be such a bad thing. They said my heart was really being stressed (which I could have told them myself, I could feel it) so when they said transfusion again, I didn't hesitate. I started to feel better after about half a bag had gone in. It really is rather amazing.
So after two units, I was back up to 7.8 but they didn't want to do any more, because there is some risk. They sent me home yesterday. Now I'm to rest and take an insane amount of Iron which is in a bubble pack that I am too weak to open. Geez.
Here's a picture of me when I got to the emergency room