Anymore I don't think Atheists really shun God. I think if God presented himsef to the majority of them they'd likely worship him. Some wouldn't the same way that some angels haven't, and Satan hasn't even though they likely have seen God. Atheists simply aren't "believers". They're "thinkers".
JoinedPosts by The_Present_Truth
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
if God had just set the matter straight back in the Garden of Eden, and brought mankind back to perfection
... then we wouldn't be here. The Earth would have filled up long, long ago and God would have had to stop procreation of humans.
My dad (COBOE currently), give a talk that I can't remember the title of the outline. But in it, he discusses the Creation vs. Evolution topic. It's a good outline. Lots of scientific discussion which I always enjoyed. In their though, he had gathered numbers on the total population ever to have lived in Earth's history and divided it into the total number of "above water" acreage on the face of the Earth. I want to say that the average acreage per person came out to 2.5 acres - don't hold me to that. But you get the point. To date, there'd be plenty of room for all. Surely God had a plan for this scenario in the beginning? Could he not expand the surface area of the Earth? Grow the Earth as it were? I mean he made it to begin with so why not? (Keeping in line with Scripture.)
I'm going to be away for the next couple days so I'll check back in when I get back.
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
And Ding .... if God had just set the matter straight back in the Garden of Eden, and brought mankind back to perfection - would you (Or I) even have any sins that need forgiving today? Food for thought .......
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
If only my sins were as easy to fix as a broken window...
That's just it, for the God of the Bible they are that easy to fix. He can do whatever he wants with the wave of his hand. If the God of the Bible can create this Earth and stars, in fact complete solar systems, it goes without saying that he could grant you a pardon and cleanse your mind and heart of any guilt.
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
The Present Truth: It was tough to get through that link. The point is, God did not have to bring about redemption the way He did. He could have just said, "You're forgiven, I restore you to a state of grace" and it would have been done. He chose to do things this way. Why? I guess we'll only know completely after we die, but I see it that by looking at Creation, God is a God of order (look at the solar system, the human body, an atom, etc.). Adam and Eve were created and lived in peace and union with their creator. They broke that link, a divine-human link. God, being a God of order, decided that He would reverse what had happened. So He bridged the gap with a divine person, one who is truly man and truly God. Adam had life and by his sin brought death (spiritual death), so God sent Jesus Who by death brought life. It's not that God can't forgive or that He's some mean ogre to send His Son to die. God didn't have to create us or redeem us. It is all out of a motive of pure Love. Why did we need redemption? Well, if you throw a baseball through my window, I can forgive you, but my window is still broken. What is broken needs to be paid for or fixed. Jesus' death on the cross took care of that, as only a God-Man could do, the only one who could repair the relationship broken between God and man.
TYU ....
Ok ... I'll bite. Let's put things on an "Apples to Apples" type comparison using your illustration of the broken window. Let's say you and I have a great relationship, we're neighbors. One day, I decide to throw a baseball through your window - for whatever reason. Yep, your window is broke. It should definitely be fixed. You happen to own a glass company. You also happen to have a son and you consider yourself a very loving, forgiving person. Are you with me?
If you are a loving forgiving person, do you:
A) Shoot me dead in my yard the next time you see me, and mutter the words, "That'll teach him to break my window." and hope that the entire neighborhood sees you do that so that none of them will ever think about breaking one of your windows ever again?
B) Take "your son" out in the front yard and announce to the entire neighborhood with a megaphone that you're going to shoot him dead instead because "I" broke your window and damaged our relationship, and SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY! Then kill your son to make the point? Meanwhile, you leave the window broken so that the termites, rain, wind and snow come in and do further damage to your home and then decide to fix it years later once the majority of the house is in ruins when you could have just fixed that little panel of glass on day one and prevented any further damage at all?
C) Take the tape measure out of your kitchen drawer and measure the piece of glass and once you have the measurements, call down to the Glass shop "you own" and have them cut a piece of glass to fit the broken window and fix it on your own dime, choose to forgive me, not make your son or anyone else pay for what "I" did, not make a public scene over it, and then later call me to talk and find out if it was an accident or if I have a chip on my shoulder and there's something we need to iron out so that we can be friends again?
What is your answer?
If America Became a Christian Nation. A must see!!!
by whereami inpart 1. .
part 2. .
part 3.
Unreal. Religion makes me sick. Doesn't much matter what flavor it is anymore. If there is a God, I hope he's nothing like what religion has made him out to be. I'd be disappointed if he were. With the endorsement of slavery in the Scriptures it makes me wonder how black people in America can even think about going to church. And yet, in the South, those black churches are packed to the gills.
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
TYU ....welcome to the Forum. In regards your second comment, watch this video. Even though there's some language in the video, tough it out to the end. When you do, you'll see the problem some people have with puting their belied in the whole "God sent his son so we can be forgiven, etc, etc, etc...."
If God truly loved humans...why not reveal himself ? So that they could make an informed decision ?
by smiddy inwe learn from the bible that god spoke to adam ,then certain faithful ones,then after moses only the preisthood that was established,and individuals, raised as prophets,and this by the way is only a a small select group on the planet.never mind about other groups of humans.
fastforward to the era of christ ,again, god is only dealing with a small select group to advise and admonish.during the time from moses to christ he was only dealing with what became one small nation.the rest of humankind were left to their own devices.fastforward down to this 21st century we have no guidance/instruction/prophets to instruct or guide us.
( i know this is where jw`s would say but we have been preaching & teaching you god`s truths since 1879 ) all i can say their, is take your head out of the sand and look at all the changes ,corrections adjustments,re-adjustments,reversals,and failed expectations of prophecy you have published over this last century )so as to my question why hasn`t the god of the universe revealed himself to all humans of every race on all continents instead of just a small select group, if he truly was interested in the human race.
Are you going to share the nonsensical word with us Donny?
Watchtower BREAKDOWN on the highway to Paradise
by Terry inall of us at one time or another have owned a automobile that was a real lemon!.
the car may have been shiny, stylish and totally cool-looking....the only problem was it was a piece of crap.. repair after repair after repair in a never ending spiral of maintenance kept it in the shop more than it was on the road!.
you may have really loved that car--it might have been a classic---but--it proved to be totally useless for basic transportation because:.
Marking to read later ....
The thing God cant do (video)
by bohm in.
Brilliant! ...In a Southpark kind of way.