Always enjoy your posts AK-Jeff. These days I tend to share your sentiments.
i have, on occasion, pissed off many or most of the christians on this board.
i have forthrightly ridiculed you at times, but more often, i have lathered satire, or frothed sarcasm at what appeared to me to be inanely ludicrous viewpoint.. i must apologize, for i have seen the light.. i now understand that all of mankind's' plight can indeed be traced to a day in a perfect garden in iraq.
an eloquent snake overcame a naked woman with words that rang truer to her than the words of her master and god.
Always enjoy your posts AK-Jeff. These days I tend to share your sentiments.
here is an audio clip from a study where the witnesses are handing out a watchtower and awake, and promoting their benefit.
then the householder asks about the "koolaid edition".
one of the acts surprised and the other one quickly goes into damage control mode trying to explain the term.. very funny, sweet beverage indeed!.
I think I could come up with all kinds of quotes to put in a bubble over this guys head. He's probably some dude that works in the accounting dept in Brooklyn and was asked to pose for a picture in the Awake. Then to find out his pic is all over the internet with all kinds of quotes attached to it. He might be thinking, "uhhhh maybe that wasn't such a great idea".
here is an audio clip from a study where the witnesses are handing out a watchtower and awake, and promoting their benefit.
then the householder asks about the "koolaid edition".
one of the acts surprised and the other one quickly goes into damage control mode trying to explain the term.. very funny, sweet beverage indeed!.
Tell me there's not a photoshop opportunity waiting to happen with the dude on the second page of the November 2010 Awake on the Table of Contents page?
the whole video is good, but notice the point started at about 6:55- wts says other translations fail as victims of traditionalism then later admits that wts uses traditional "familiarity" in their decision to use the name "jehovah.".
Possible-san .... If you would, send me a link to your website in a PM. I'll check out the pdf kit. I'd appreciate it.
I watched some more of JWPublisher's videos last night. He's well spoken. Enjoyable to watch. Thanks for posting this one OnTheWayOut.
the whole video is good, but notice the point started at about 6:55- wts says other translations fail as victims of traditionalism then later admits that wts uses traditional "familiarity" in their decision to use the name "jehovah.".
Excellent video! Unfortunately I don't have a copy of The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures in my library. I love where it says the retained the name Jehovah because of people's familiarity with it since the 14 century. Really??? Familiarity? Like so familiar that they're still printing Watchtower's with covers that say "Do you know God by name?" Well, heck I thought there was this substantial "familiarity" with the name since the 14th century. More people aren't familiar with the name than are. If you're going to pick a name to brand your organization why not go for authenticity and take Yahweh? All those prayers at the meetings,assemblies,conventions, etc .... offered up to the wrong guy. It's a sham, errr I mean a shame.
if you could send in questions to the news media for an interview with the devil what would you ask him?
no sarcasm please.
this is meant to be a serious topic..
Ziddina that is a great saying.
if you could send in questions to the news media for an interview with the devil what would you ask him?
no sarcasm please.
this is meant to be a serious topic..
..... I'm just askin'. Couldn't resist StAnn.
i have had numerous conversations with thirdwitness.
it seems that one of his goals in life is to protect the world from me and my "captives of a concept.".
someone by the name "settingtherecordstraight" has posted many of thirdwitness comments on several webpages, including: .
ThirdWitness needs to realize that the most damning words ever written about the WatchTower society can be found in their own publications when you lay out their printed falsehoods, claims, predictions, and contradictions in chonological order - which is what you did Don, just lay them out in chronological order, clearly, in one place, nice and neat, easy to understand, for all to see. The Witnesses aren't used to seeing such clear chronology, especially as it relates to their own history.
I for one loved your book, have recommended it and intend to present each of my immediate family members with a copy of it. I had left many years before reading it but wish I had read it much sooner since it affirmed my suspicions and quieted that nagging voice progammed into the back of my mind by the WTBTS and my brainwashed parents.
Thank you for all your hard work Don.
if you could send in questions to the news media for an interview with the devil what would you ask him?
no sarcasm please.
this is meant to be a serious topic..
How do you become "evil" in the abscence of evil?
Did you chuckle just a bit as you watched God "confuse the languages of man" while they were trying to build the Tower of Babel (completely elongating the process of uniting mankind ever again - even for the purpose of worshiping God, thus buying you more time in the global controversy over who deserves to be worshiped) only to allow man later on (in modern times) to build sky scrapers that no doubt make the Tower of Babel look like a tinker toy?
How does it feel to be selling something that everyone wants and can't even help subscribing to? (sin)
Do you find it as ironic as some of us that most every war that has ever been fought on Earth has been fought in the "name of God" and not your name (the Devil)?
Did you know, and if so "how did you know", when you tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, that God would not immediately strike you, and the two initial sinners of mankind (Adam and Eve) dead in your tracks and start the human race fresh again instead of dragging the 10 billion +/- humans to follow ,and who knows how many angels in heaven, into this "controversy" and so called "court case" regarding God's right to be worshiped while at the same time God prophecies that it really doesn't matter what choices humans make or angels make or how any of it plays out - he's still going to win and all this time, suffering, and mind-f*cking of the human race in HIS name by the religions of the Earth will have been for nothing when he could have gotten straight to it and limited the punishment to you, Adam, Eve and however many angels had fallen at that point in time? Was there some premise in place, rule of law, etc that God had set forth that required him to give you this length of time?
Knowing God's immense, precise power and his ability to strategically kill human enemies of his people using either angels or even natural elements- did you completely sh*t your proverbial pants when he decided to flood the entire Earth like the Bible says he did, thus killing not only the wicked men and women who were his targets but also all of the innocent animals (especially since later on the Bible it's written "God is Love" - hardly seems like a loving act as it relates to innocent animals) except for two of each species that were on the Ark? Were you thinking to yourself "Over-reactor!" And maybe before you answer that, did the flood even really happen? The notion of getting two of every species of animal on an Ark has never seemed logical or even possible to me -even with today's large ships- say nothing about the logistics of getting them to migrate their way across the globe to the site of the Ark. Seem like it would have been easier to just whack the bad humans.
What's the scoop on the other planets, suns, solar systems etc? What's going on out there and what are they being used for? How far into space had you traveled prior to your banishment to Earth?
Approximately how many demons, along with yourself, are currently roaming the Earth. What do they look like, how can you recognize them?
Is Obama working for you?
I could go on and on ......
Go to then type in Ginger in the Keyword search box. You can leave the next box as "all categories" or click the drop down and dial it in a bit. Just did it and there are pages and pages of ginger recipes with photos.
It's a great site. My wife and I love it. Hope it helps.