Going on 20+ years of no JW propaganda.
i still got my insight books,bible,song book,revelation book,isiahia book,some tracts,awakes @watchtowers.
i did throw a lot of my magz away but still got these,what shall i do keep them,sell them to second hand book store,give to charity shop,or read them all again and brainwash myself with jw ideology.
Going on 20+ years of no JW propaganda.
i thought perhaps instead of having 20,000 dallas threads we could put our pics all in one like a big are my contributions...and there will be more...soon...very soon.
sincerely, .
district overbeer .
Good question - RE: How long to drive there.
I drove up from San Antonio to Dallas - a distance of 300 miles (483km). Coming back. I made no stops and it took me 5 hours to drive - averaging 60mph (96km/h).
The speed limits along the route varied from 70mph (113km/h) down to 55mph (89km/h) - so I feel that's a good average.
well, i just got in from a long weekend spent in dallas, tx.. there wuz an 'apostafest' gathering held there - and it wuz a blast!.
i think an informal head count would put total attendance at around 35 - 40 folks there.
(no one was designated as 'attendant', so no official count was taken.).
Well, I just got in from a long weekend spent in Dallas, TX.
There wuz an 'Apostafest' gathering held there - and it wuz a blast!
I think an informal head count would put total attendance at around 35 - 40 folks there. (No one was designated as 'Attendant', so no official count was taken.)
Folks flew in from all over the U.S. (and boy were their arms tired!!) - one there from California, another from Minnesota, and another from Florida!!
Other states represented... Oklahoma and Louisiana.
Valis' apartment was filled with people all having a great time - and there were even some outside, too. I was afraid a neighbor would call the fire department, though - cause there was so much smoke outside.
Many pictures were taken of folks who attended (I think they may be used as evidence later... -grin-)
There was plenty of 'Bread and Wine' for those who wanted to 'partake'. (Lottsa of takers on that... well, more partook of the wine than the bread.)
Many folks (myself included) were a bit mute at first - until we realized that we were used to using keyboards to talk to each other - then folks got a bit more talkative. (I forgot my keyboard - dang it.)
Anyway, it is good to finally get to meet folks that you 'type' to all the time.
Thanks go to Valis for having us over, and allowing us to wreck his apartment...
WildTurkey, for still trying to help me with my 'pickup lines'...
...and to NotPerfectYet - for slapping me, after I tried using the pickup line on her... <rubbing cheek> it felt good (even tho it was WildTurkey that said the words...) hahahahahaha
Jim TX
four strangers travelled together in the same compartment of a. european train.
two men and two women faced each other.. one woman was a very wealthy and sophisticated 70 year old lady who.
was decked out in the finest of furs and jewelry.
Four strangers travelled together in the same compartment of a
European train. Two men and two women faced each other.
One woman was a very wealthy and sophisticated 70 year old lady who
was decked out in the finest of furs and jewelry. Next to her sat a
beautiful young woman, nineteen yrs. old--who looked like something
right off the cover of a fashion magazine. Across from the older
lady was a very mature looking man in his mid-forties who was a highly
decorated Sergeant Major in the Army. And next to the Sergeant
Major sat a young private fresh out of boot camp.
As these four strangers travelled, they talked and chatted about
trivial things until they entered an unlighted tunnel, and there they
sat in complete darkness and total silence, until the sound of a
distinct kiss broke the silence; following the kiss a loud slap could
be heard throughout the cabin.
In the ensuing period of silence the four strangers sat quietly with
their own thoughts. The older lady was thinking, "Isn't it wonderful
that even in this permissive day and age there are still young women
who have a little self-respect and dignity?"
The young woman, shaking her head and greatly puzzled, asked
herself, "Why in the world would any man in his right mind want to
kiss an old fossil like that when I'm sitting here?"
The Sergeant Major, rubbing his sore face, was outraged that any
woman could ever think that a man in his position would try to sneak a
kiss in the dark.
And the private, grinning from ear to ear, was thinking, "What a
crazy and mixed up world this is when a private can kiss the back of his
hand and then smack a Sergeant Major in the face and get away
with it!"
oh yeah , the can shall be opened very soon.. we were ratted on for smoking at the dance club a few weeks ago, the dub that did it told our elders and we just said to hell with it all, we don't beleive it is the "truth" anymore and want to disassociate ourselves.
we told the elders that smoking was not the problem, the borg was, the lies, the child abuse, the cover ups, the changes etc.
in fact i dont even smoke now.
I was reading this thread, and wondering how they would react if they received a set of 'anonymous' photos of him smoking and carousing around at that club.
I say - DO IT!!!
It looks like he will go back there - if not there - another club - your paths will surely cross in the future!
Take photos of the a** and then send them in. At the very least, he'll have to squirm a little.
Oh - be sure to take the photos BEFORE you punch his lights out. You don't want to give him 'evidence' to use against you in a civil lawsuit. -grin-
Jim TX
oh yeah , the can shall be opened very soon.. we were ratted on for smoking at the dance club a few weeks ago, the dub that did it told our elders and we just said to hell with it all, we don't beleive it is the "truth" anymore and want to disassociate ourselves.
we told the elders that smoking was not the problem, the borg was, the lies, the child abuse, the cover ups, the changes etc.
in fact i dont even smoke now.
Lyin -
Yes, it will be interesting to 'see' what comes of this.
The great and mighty Oz makes a prediction:
The feller whut gets called into the 'small room' fer a 'round table' discussion will cry crocadile tears - and they'll let him off with a 'warning' - and a 'don't do it again', to which he'll readily agree. That'll be the end of it.
You may see him at your fav bar in a few weeks...
Jim TX
i am born in the i am 40 years old and have thrown all my wt literature in the trash can.i am ashamed that i have been in the watchtower orginazation and in my prayer to jehovah i have said that i only belong to him.
A lot/all of the JW literature that I had got boxed up, and put up into the attic where I lived whilst married.
It is still there as far as I know.
The temps in that attic far exceed 120-degrees (Fahrenheit), so I'll bet that the pages in most of the books are nice and toasty brown. (I had boxes stored up there with styrofoam in them that got partially melted, so I KNOW it gets hot.)
I have no plans to go and do a 'recovery' operation - so they'll just have to stay there. Lotsa 'first edition' JW propaganda, too.
Jim TX
many years ago, when i was living on my own i was living in a small cottage.
my neighbor, david was the care-taker of about 3 or 4 horses on a piece of land about 3 or 4 acres.. now, i was young and didnt know better at first i was afraid of these large horses but once i learned about them essentially horses are like large puppy dogs.
dumb puppy dogs.. these horses had gone and eaten all of their green grass in their area, so one day david got this brilliant idea.
Many years ago, when I was living on my own I was living in a small cottage. My neighbor, David was the care-taker of about 3 or 4 horses on a piece of land about 3 or 4 acres.
Now, I was young and didnt know better at first I was afraid of these large horses but once I learned about them essentially horses are like large puppy dogs. Dumb puppy dogs.
These horses had gone and eaten all of their green grass in their area, so one day David got this brilliant idea. (David got lots of ideas all brilliant well as brilliant as a 7-watt lightbulb that is burned out.)
David saw all sorts of lush green grass along the river just outside the horse pen, and he went and opened up a side gate to let them out so they could graze along the river.
My question was how wuz he gonna keep them from wandering off. His solution wuz to tie some concrete blocks around their necks.
Anyway the first problem was getting them to actually SEE the opening in the fence line. These horses had been corralled in this area for a long time, and that part of the fence had never been opened before. They would walk over to the opening you could see it was open plain as day and they would turn and not exit the opening. Grrrr
Well, all of them FINALLY saw the opening and trotted through it and started grazing along the river except for one horse Flash.
That horse was a stallion-type of horse high-spirited thing. He kept frustrating David and me by turning and dodging, what he thought was running headlong into a barb-wire fence.
I told David No problem. I hopped up on the back of Flash no bridle no saddle just bareback and started guiding with my hands pushing gently first on one side of the horses neck then the other walking him ever closer to the opening in the fence. (We often rode the horses bareback but usually had a bridle to guide them with.)
However as always Flash veered at the last second. Only this time he took off running me still on his back only able to hold on. Stupid horse <shaking head>.
He was only trotting at first and I did good keeping my balance but then he got this notion and bolted his trot turning into a run. I was STILL doing okay, but then he ran outta room on the property, and he turned to run back up to the front of the property.
It wuz at that point that I started to slide off sideways. I knew I was falling off of Flash so I threw myself off and landed on the ground upset at this horse.
Know what? He stopped. Soon as I hit the ground he came to a stop only aggravating me all that much more. Grrrrrr.
I got up, and led that horse right over to the opening. This time he went Oh! An opening! and went through it to graze with the other horses along the river.
Oh and those concrete blocks didnt keep the horses from moving wherever they wanted. David also tried a tire complete with rim and aired up nope they dragged that. I dont think that David ever found something heavy enuf to keep them in one place very long, and we usually wound up running them down about a mile away, and carrying their anchor back whilst leading them.
Jim TX
hi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
All I know is this...
JW's seem to have a superstition about Smurf's... and Troll dolls.
I have gotten me a couple of Smurf's.
(I think one of 'em is Papa Smurf.)
I keep 'em around - just in case.
Next time a JW comes around, I plan on holding it in front of me... sorta like ya do with a Cross and a Vampire.
I am hoping them JWs will high-tail it outta here when they see the Smurf.
I also thought about spray-painting my Dancing Gopher from Caddyshack - the color Blue. I even talked to the Gopher about it.
Anyway, it has this button on the bottom that makes the Gopher dance a bit.
I wuz thinking about putting that out on the porch when the JWs walk down the street... hopefully, they would see a 'Smurf' <wink> <wink> dancing on my porch - and run!
Jim TX
P.S. The Gopher told me he don't like the color Blue - so I ain't spray-painted him - yet <looking over at the Gopher>.
ok---a bit of background first.
there is this older lady that has been in my parents congregation ever since we moved to fl (14 yrs ago).
she was the sweetest, funniest, quirkiest woman ever.
I would say 'go' - but you need to do what you feel comfortable with.
In 1997, my oldest sister passed away - from cancer. My other family members did not tell me that she was ill - so I could have said my 'goodbyes'.
Then they let me know that there would be an 'open casket' viewing prior to the regular funeral - which was closed-casket. (She had withered away towards the end.)
I purposely avoided going to the open-casket - as I wanted to remember Mary Lou as she was when alive.
Interesting thing - she had become a recluse - and no one saw her in the later years (not even me).
The funeral - as requested by my JW mom - was a 'JW funeral' - and yall know what that involves.
The fella who gave the talk though... had not even met - nor did he know that Mary Lou even existed.
His talk was comprised of a lot of... "I am told,..." or "I hear..." and then kind words about her.
When I introduced myself to him - he was again shocked! Another one he didn't know about!
My sister - basically 'tuned out'. I don't think that she believed the JW 'party line' anymore - but she was trapped - and so just resigned herself to there being no way out, and became a hermit.
The upside - I met other relatives - that do not believe what my mom and family does. Yes, they are non-JWs - and it helped me to see that I am not alone in my 'rebellious' beliefs.
Again - you do what you feel you have to.
But - to show your 'support' and feelings for the deceased (not the religion) - you should go.
Jim TX
P.S. It isn't easy. Many times (at the funeral), I just wanted to bolt and run. Dunno what kept me from doing that.