JoinedPosts by upnorth
Breaking News: Police Arrest JW Elder for Creating Chaos at Hospital
by Scott77 ina jehovah witness man, kwabena afum and his wife, margret afum aka abena oduma, have had a brush with the law after creating an unnecessary chaotic scene at new edubiase government hospital in a bid to prevent medical officers from giving blood to their son.. .
kwabena afum was arrested last week tuesday and granted a police enquiry bail the next day for causing panic and chaos by allegedly mobilizing some members of his church to foment trouble at the hospital.. .
he has since disowned five-year-old jepheth asamoah, who is currently in the custody of the social welfare department in the district, even after his release.. .
Now there's a guy that could use a punch in the face
What's The Worst Thing You Know Of That A JW Did?
by minimus inwitnesses are supposed to be "exemplary" and not like the "world".
yet some jws are pretty notorious.. did you know of any jws that did some real bad things?.
i knew a pious witness who got caught twice trying to solicit prostitutes.
My Grand father died (of old age) as a JW, I'm not sure who's fault that was but It's worst thing I can think of right now.
He was a really neat man
Anyone look at this board while still an IN and ACTIVE JW?
by Mad Sweeney ini vaguely remember looking at this board a few years ago, before i ever considered leaving the borg, and being appalled at the evil and hateful attitudes i saw here and scared to death of reading any further.. now i go back through years and years of posts and there is no evil or hate there at all.
it's one of the most kind and welcoming boards i've encountered since the invention of the internet.. that is how well borg indoctrination works.
it is eerily like 1984. black is white.
I've known in my messed up little mind that some place like this must exists.
I never looked for it.
A couple months ago I was searching for something and noticed this place, it caught my attention immediately.
Had I had access to a place like this in 1970's I probably would have refused to look at it.
Really COOL(or Really DUMB) Vanity plates
by serenitynow! inso i have a 100 mile daily commute, so i see lots of plates.
i get a kick out of the good ones.
saw 2 hearses- toolate, lastrde, guy in a navy caprice classic-notfuzz; minivan-mmbeer.
I'll tell you what my wifes next vanity plate will be. She has been claiming that she is no longer crazy and would like a warmer license plate.
She wanted to have XOXOXO, (in Alaska you can have only 2 to 6 characters) I looked at availability and that was taken but after some brain storming I came up with XESNOS. She has said that would work for her, she's crazy like that.
How did you treat people?
by captain indo you ever feel guilty about the way you pre-judged others when you were a drone?.
i feel guilty about it every day!
people's lives are so complex, we know so little of their personal struggles and "thorns in the flesh" yet we're conditioned to prejudge on a checklist of criteria published by a few men in new york.
As a Witless I was better then everyone by default, it was their problem.
Why are all religions (including J.W.'s) afraid to perform the "Elijah test" recorded at 1 Kings 18:21-39?
by StoneWall into set the stage this was were elijah had the people gathered together at mt.carmel,along with the.
450 prophets of baal and the 400 prophets of the sacred pole.
it was a test to prove to the people .
I've heard stories of people saved from certain death by a miracle, and the person relating the event never reports the "saving part" of the event as God having helped them. They all say it, is, or was, or must have been an Angel and then they typically thank God.
Would some event manipulated by an Angel suffice ?
I don't think God has manipulated the spirit of man with mass display since the death of Christ.
Why are all religions (including J.W.'s) afraid to perform the "Elijah test" recorded at 1 Kings 18:21-39?
by StoneWall into set the stage this was were elijah had the people gathered together at mt.carmel,along with the.
450 prophets of baal and the 400 prophets of the sacred pole.
it was a test to prove to the people .
Did The Witnesses "Do A Job" On You?
by minimus inwere you really screwed up because of having been a witness?.
I embraced everything a born-in is expected to.
Things I battle with because of being born-in.
Non-emotional, avoid competing, second guess every thought, have no opinion, take no side, excel at nothing, avoided education after high school, turn the other cheek...
No emotional connection to any person.
Sometimes I have to force myself to feel things I know I'm supposed to feel. I know I wasn't born that way, no one is.
Pics of tornado damage by our house that hit FRI night
by purplesofa inthree of my kids live within two miles of where this tornado hit friday night.. it was a pretty frightful night.
my daughters apt was three inches from getting flooded.
we moved what we could to upstairs and on shelves.. stayed in half bath with grandbaby with pillows and blankets over the baby.. my son has been working at this site where it hit to help out.. these pics were taken today (sunday) can't imagine what it looked like yesterday, they said there were over 300 (worldly) .
That's a heck of a mess to deal with !