I'm waiting for the punchline. . .
Yeah me too. Anyone notice the ad on this page is for a parasite cleanse?
there is a certain brain-eating parasitic worm that produces an odd symptom: it affects your dreams.. .
the following are typical dreams this parasite will cause:.
dreams about not fitting in your car comfortably dreams about driving from the back seatdreams about veering all over the road .
I'm waiting for the punchline. . .
Yeah me too. Anyone notice the ad on this page is for a parasite cleanse?
there is a certain brain-eating parasitic worm that produces an odd symptom: it affects your dreams.. .
the following are typical dreams this parasite will cause:.
dreams about not fitting in your car comfortably dreams about driving from the back seatdreams about veering all over the road .
What! I dream about driving from the back seat all the time!
i thought about that question myself and i don't think i really hate anyone.
i guess i could hate bin laden or some nameless evil terrorist but no one comes to mind..
Dissed, that is so sad. Is your BIL her guardian? Is there a way to petition the court for a guardian ad-litem to be appointed? If he is not allowing her medical care, that is abuse. Have you spoken with any attorneys specializing in elder law?
i thought about that question myself and i don't think i really hate anyone.
i guess i could hate bin laden or some nameless evil terrorist but no one comes to mind..
LOL PSacramento- He is the worst acted character ever! Why does he deliver his lines like that?
i thought about that question myself and i don't think i really hate anyone.
i guess i could hate bin laden or some nameless evil terrorist but no one comes to mind..
Oh I forgot one- Horatio Caine, CSI Miami. I really hate him.
i thought about that question myself and i don't think i really hate anyone.
i guess i could hate bin laden or some nameless evil terrorist but no one comes to mind..
"... or not help them in a life or death situation." White Dove
Well, White Dove you do not have the level of hate that I do. If the object of my hatred was in a life or death situation, well, maybe Jehovah will help him.
this is the famous witness saying in defense of the way they don't give gifts on holidays.
of course, even though we all said it, no one in my family did this.
none of my friends' families did this.
I personally give ones I care about gifts all the time. Usually if I am out, see a good deal that would be nice for a particular person, I'll get it for him/her. I also am probably the only born in JW who really never missed Xmas. My parents treated report card time as holidays, and since I was an excellent student, I used to clean up in toys and money. Even now that I'm out, I would probably only celebrate X mas if my signicant other did.
i thought about that question myself and i don't think i really hate anyone.
i guess i could hate bin laden or some nameless evil terrorist but no one comes to mind..
my father
i was at dinner with witness friends last night when one of the guys started that up.
i kept my mouth shut, let him have his say for a while; it's good to feel gratitude and i'm glad for him that he feels so blessed, but never, even in my most "spiritually healthy" days have i boasted like that.
finally, i spoke up with "how do you think that makes me, almost unemployed and struggling these days, feel?
Yes that is very irritating. It is boasting, like that person is highly favored by God and you are not. I feel that if we credit God with every good thing that happens, it only makes sense that he should be blamed for all the horrible things. I mean when you look at all the atrocities in the world, esp with children being abused, killed, where was God to help out then? I believe good things result from a combo of working hard, and just the randomness of the universe/chance.
i'm looking for anyone who may have a tried and true question that i can ask my elder father so that i can get him to think about the fds and the fact that they don't have holy spirit to direct us.
i've tried the un, 607/587, and the generation.
has something else worked for anyone out there.. he has said regarding the u.n. that it was an oversight.
Hi. I don't have alot of experience, but what I have found is that different things are important to different people. Beth Sarim bothered me more than the UN thing, but what caused me to see the real truth was seeing the level of manipulation used in the literature, i.e the study WT. I felt like if I had to be tricked and coerced than this could not be God's org.
My sister is more concerned with the lack of love in the congregation, and has been led to question the org.
My mother though, when I speak to her about my concerns and all the evidence I have that the JWs cannot possibly be God's org, she ignores it, and talks about how glad she is that they don't teach the Trinity. My mother is very focused on doctrine, esp the trinity, and WT interpretation of prophecy. Therefore, if I really want her to question the org, I have to speak to her about those things.
Maybe ask what evidence there is, other than them saying so, that they(GB) are God's channel. Ask why the WT article "Treasure your place in the congregation" stated that you can not question the GB. Ask him to remember in the bible, Abraham questioned Jehovah, are they above Jehovah?
*also Randy made some good points!